
Terms containing costs of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
law, immigr.ability to meet cost of onward or return journeygaranzija ta' meżżi ta' ritorn
fin.allocation of cost itemsallokazzjoni ta' elementi ta' kost
fin.allocation of costsallokazzjoni ta' l-ispejjeż
account.amortised cost of a financial asset or financial liabilitykost amortizzat ta' assi jew obligazzjoni finanzjarja
econ.commonality of costsspejjeż komuni
account.consistency - capitalisation of borrowing costskonsistenza - kapitalizzazzjoni tal-kostijiet tas-self meħud
proced.law.contribution to the costs of married lifekontribuzzjoni għall-ħtiġiet tal-familja
account.cost of an acquisitionkost ta' akkwiżizzjoni
account.cost of an investmentkost ta' investiment
stat.cost of claimkost tal-pretensjoni
fin., tax.cost of collectionkost tal-ġbir
account.cost of conversionkost tal-konverżjoni
unions.cost of guidance and counselling serviceskost tas-servizzi ta' gwida u konsulenza
account.cost of inventorieskost tal-inventarji
account.cost of inventories of a service providerkost tal-inventarji ta' fornitur tas-servizzi
IT, social.sc.cost of livinggħoli tal-ħajja
stat., lab.law.cost of living adjustmentaġġustament għall-għoli tal-ħajja
stat., lab.law.cost of living adjustmentCOLA
econ.cost of living indexindiċi tal-għoli tal-ħajja
account.cost of purchasekost tax-xiri
account.cost of sales methodmetodu tal-kost tal-bejgħ
econ., commer., ecol.cost of transactionkost ta' tranżazzjoni
stat., lab.law.cost-of-living-adjustmentCOLA
stat., lab.law.cost-of-living-adjustmentaġġustament għall-għoli tal-ħajja
account.costs of conversionkostijiet tal-konverżjoni
account.costs of disposalkostijiet tad-disponiment
account.costs of modifying existing softwarekostijiet tal-modifikazzjoni tas-softwer eżistenti
unions.costs of new employmentkost ta' impjiegi ġodda
polit., lawcosts of the proceedingsl-ispejjeż tal-proċeduri
polit., lawcosts of the proceedingsl-ispejjeż
account.determination of costkalkolu tal-kost
account.elements of cost of exploration and evaluation assetselementi tal-kost tal-assi tal-esplorazzjoni u l-evalwazzjoni
account.equity - costs of an equity transactionekwità - kostijiet ta' tranżazzjoni ta' ekwità
fin.flat-rate costs calculated by application of standard scales of unit costskostijiet b'rata fissa kkalkulati b'applikazzjoni ta' tabelli standard ta' kostijiet unitarji
econ.index of prices for cost of livingindiċi tal-għoli tal-ħajja
environ.internalisation of environmental costsinternalizzazzjoni ta' spejjeż ambjentali
environ.internalisation of external costs The process of getting those who produce goods or services with adverse effects on the environment or on society to incorporate a knowledge of possible negative repercussions into future economic decisionsinternalizzazzjoni ta' spejjeż esterni
account.matching of costs with revenuestqabbil tal-kostijiet mad-dħul
gen.mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implicationsmekkaniżmu li jamministra l-finanzjament tal-ispejjeż komuni ta' ħidmiet l-Unjoni Ewropea li għandhom implikazzjonijiet militari jew tad-difiża
gen.mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implicationsmekkaniżmu ATHENA
fin.principle of "costs lie where they fall"il-prinċipju "costs lie where they fall"
account.replacement cost of an assetprezz ta' sostituzzjoni ta' assi
account.specific identification of costsidentifikazzjoni speċifika tal-kostijiet
fin.standard scale of unit costsskala standard ta' spejjeż għal kull unità
empl.wage reductions resulting from a fall in the cost of livingtnaqqis fil-pagi minħabba tnaqqis fl-għoli tal-ħajja