
Terms containing account | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccount balancebilanċ tal-kont (The difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period)
comp., MSaccount domaindominju tal-kont (A Windows NT domain that holds user account data)
comp., MSaccount expirationskadenza tal-kont (A time limit that is applied to the life of an account, so that it can be used only for a predetermined period of time)
fin.account for paymentkont tal-pagamenti
comp., MSaccount lockoutimblokk tal-kont (A Windows security feature that locks a user account if a number of failed logon attempts occur within a specified amount of time, based on security policy lockout settings. Locked accounts cannot log on)
comp., MSaccount managermaniġer tal-kont (The person who sets up and maintains the systems and records related to authorized users of multi-user computer networks or operating systems)
bank., account.account monitoringmonitoraġġ tal-kontijiet
bank.account number portabilityportabilità tan-numru tal-kont
comp., MSaccount picturestampa tal-kont (A graphical representation that's associated with a user account for Windows and Windows Live)
fin.account receivabledejn pendenti
polit.Accounting and Treasury UnitUnità tal-Kontabilità u t-Teżor
account.accounting arbitragearbitraġġ kontabilitstiku
fin., commer., polit.accounting controleżerċizzju tal-awditjar
fin., commer., polit.accounting controltal-awditjar
fin., commer., polit.accounting controlkontroll kontabilistiku
fin., commer., polit.accounting controlawditu
fin., econ., account.accounting conventionprattika kontabilistika
fin., econ., account.accounting conventionkonvenzjoni kontabilistika
fin., account.Accounting DirectiveDirettiva dwar il-Kontabilità
fin., econ., account.accounting entryentrata kontabilistika
account.accounting estimatestima tal-kontabilità
account.accounting estimatestima kontabilistika
fin.accounting eventavveniment kontabilistiku
account.accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistancekontabilità għal għotjiet pubbliċi u divulgazzjoni ta' assistenza pubblika
account.accounting for inventorieskontabilità għall-inventarji
account.accounting for investments in associateskontabilità għal investimenti f'kumpaniji assoċjati
account.accounting for revenue and associated expenseskontabilità għad-dħul u spejjeż assoċjati
account.accounting incomeintrojtu kontabilistiku
fin.accounting ledgerktieb tal-kontijiet
account.accounting methodsprattika kontabilistika
account.accounting methodsproċeduri kontabilistiċi
account.accounting methodsmetodi kontabilistiċi
account.accounting mismatchspariġġ kontabilistiku
account.accounting modelmudell kontabilistiku
fin.accounting officeruffiċjal tal-kontabilità
fin.accounting officerkontabilist
fin.accounting officeraccountant
account.accounting periodperijodu bażi tal-kontijiet
account.accounting periodperjodu kontabilistiku
fin., econ., account.accounting plansistema kontabilistika
fin., econ., account.accounting planpjan kontabilistiku
account.accounting policypolitika kontabilistika
fin.accounting portfolioportafoll kontabilistiku
fin., econ., account.accounting practiceprattika kontabilistika
account.accounting practiceproċeduri kontabilistiċi
account.accounting principleprinċipju kontabilistiku
account.accounting proceduresproċeduri kontabilistiċi
account.accounting profitprofitt kontabilistiku
account.accounting recordrekord kontabilistiku
account.accounting recordsrekords kontabilistiċi
polit.Accounting ServiceServizz tal-Kontabilità
gen.accounting standardsstandards kontabilistiċi
environ.accounting systemsistema kontabilistika
environ.accounting system The system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm and of analyzing its financial status and operating resultssistema ta' kontabilità
account.accounting treatmenttrattament kontabilistiku
account.accounting uncertaintyinċertezza ta' kontabilità
busin., labor.org., account.accounting yearsena fiskali
market., fin.accounts receivableriċevibbli
account.accounts receivablekontijiet riċevibbli
account.accrual accountingkontabilità bbażata fuq id-dovuti
account.accrual basis of accountingkontabilità fuq il-bażi tad-dovuti
account.accrual-based accountingkontabilità bbażata fuq id-dovuti
transp., avia., environ.aircraft operator holding accountkont ta' depożitu ta' operatur tal-inġenji tal-ajru
account.allowance accountkont ta' provvediment
fin., econ., account.annual accountskontijiet annwali
fin.applicable accounting standardstandard kontabilistiku applikabbli
fin.appropriation accountkont ta' approprjazzjoni
fin.audited accountskontijiet awditjati
fin.balance sheet accountskontijiet tal-karta tal-bilanċi
fin.balance sheet accountskontijiet tal-flus
fin.bank accountkont tal-bank
lawbank-accountkont tal-bank
bank.bank-account penetrationpenetrazzjoni tal-kontijiet bankarji
comp., MSbeneficiary correspondent accountkont tal-korrispondenti benefiċjarju (A 20-digit number used to identify a Central Bank of Russian Federation account needed to facilitate international transactions)
comp., MSBilling and Account ManagementImmaniġġjar ta' Ħlasijiet u Kontijiet (A service that allows a customer to view and manage account and billing information for Microsoft services online)
fin.budget accountskontijiet baġitarji
fin.budgetary accountskontijiet baġitarji
environ.cancellation accountkont ta' kanċellazzjoni
fin., econ., account.capital accountkont tal-kapital tas-sidien
econ., fin.capital accountkont kapitali
fin.cash accountkont tal-flus
fin.cash accountskontijiet tal-karta tal-bilanċi
account.cash basis accountingkontabilità bbażata fuq il-ħlasijiet
account.cash-based accountingkontabilità bbażata fuq il-ħlasijiet
fin., agric.certification of accountsċertifikazzjoni tal-kontijiet
fin., agric.certifying of accountsċertifikazzjoni tal-kontijiet
market., fin., account.chart of accountstabella tal-kontijiet
fin.close of accounts for a financial yeargħeluq tal-kontijiet għal sena finanzjarja
law, tax.Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account informationStandard ta' Rappurtar Komuni
law, tax.Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account informationStandard għall-Iskambju Awtomatiku ta' Informazzjoni dwar Kontijiet Finanzjarji
account.compliance with International Accounting Standardskonformità mal-Istandards Internazzjonali tal-Kontabilita'
fin., account.consistent accounting methodsmetodi kontabilistiċi konsistenti
bank.consolidated account informationinformazzjoni ta' kont konsolidat
bank.consolidated account informationCAI
account.consolidated financial statements and accounting for investments in subsidiariesrapporti finanzjarji konsolidati u kontabilità għal investimenti f'sussidjarji
fin.consolidated revenue and expenditure accountkont konsolidat tad-dħul u n-nefqa
comp., MScorrespondent accountkont tal-korrispondenti (An account established by a banking institution to make transactions on behalf of another financial institution, usually for international transactions)
bank.customer mobility in relation to bank accountsmobbiltà tal-klijent b'rabta mal-kontijiet bankarji
fin.dealing on own accountjinnegozjaw f'isimhom stess
fin.debit to the profit and loss accountaddebitar fir-rapport tal-introjtu
account.deposit accountingkontabilità ta' depożitu
fin., account.double entry accountingkontabbiltà b'kontroentrati
polit., agric.Economic Accounts for Agriculturekontijiet ekonomiċi għall-agrikoltura
fin.economic outturn accountkont tal-eżitu ekonomiku
comp., MSe-mail accountkont tal-posta elettronika (The server name, user name, password, and e-mail address used to connect to an e-mail service. You create the e-mail account using information provided by your mail administrator or Internet service provider (ISP))
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theindirizz elettroniku
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theindirizz elettroniku
environ.environmental accountingkontabilità ambjentali
environ.environmental and resource accountingkontabilità ambjentali
law, econ.EPSO accountProfil tal-EPSO
account.equity accounting method - recognition of lossesmetodu kontabilistiku tal-ekwità - rikonoxximent tat-telfiet
account.escrow accountkont miżmum minn terzi
gen.ESD Compliance Accountkont ta' konformità tal-ESD
environ.ETS AAU deposit accountkont ta' depożitu tal-AAU tal-ETS
environ.ETS central clearing accountkont għall-ikklerjar ċentrali tal-ETS
law, fin.European Account Preservation OrderOrdni Ewropea tal-Preservazzjoni tal-Kontijiet
environ.European environmental economic accountskontijiet ekonomiċi ambjentali Ewropej
account.European System of AccountsSistema Ewropea tal-Kontijiet
account.European System of Accountssistema Ewropea tal-kontijiet nazzjonali u reġjonali
account., environ.European System of Integrated Environmental and Economic AccountingSistema Ewropea tal-Kontijiet Integrati tal-Ambjent u tal-Ekonomija
account.European System of National and Regional AccountsSistema Ewropea tal-Kontijiet
account.European System of National and Regional Accountssistema Ewropea tal-kontijiet nazzjonali u reġjonali
fin.European Unit of AccountUnità Ewropea tal-Kontijiet
account.experience accountkont tal-esperjenza
account.false accountingkontabilità falsifikata
fin.fiduciary accountkont fiduċjarju
econ.final annual accountskontijiet annwali finali
fin., account.financial accounting standardstandard tal-kontabilità finanzjarja
fin., account.financial accounting standardprinċipji ta' kontabbiltà ġeneralment aċċettati
environ.gateway deposit accountkont ta' depożitu gateway
fin., account.general accountingkontijiet ġenerali
fin., account.general accountingkontabbiltà ġenerali
fin., account.general accountskontijiet ġenerali
fin., environ.global accountkont internazzjonali
fin., environ.global accountkont globali
account., environ.green accountingkontabbiltà ekoloġika
environ.gross-net accountingkontabilità gross-nett
account.hedge accountingkontabilità għall-iħħeġġjar
account.hedge accountingkontabilita' għall-hedging
environ.holding accountkont ta' depożitu
account., environ.integrated environmental and economic accountingkontabbiltà ekoloġika
account., tech., lawinternational accounting standardstandard internazzjonali tal-kontabbiltà
account.International Accounting StandardStandard Internazzjonali tal-Kontabilita'
gen.International Accounting Standards BoardBord dwar l-Istandards Internazzjonali tal-Kontabbiltà
account.International Accounting Standards CommitteeKumitat tal-Istandards Internazzjonali tal-Kontabilita'
account.International Accounting Standards Committee foundationFondazzjoni tal-Kumitat tal-Istandards Internazzjonali tal-Kontabilita'
environ.KP Party accountkont ta' parti
cust., account.main accountskontijiet prinċipali
environ.management accounting The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organizationġestjoni tal-kontabilità
fin.margin accountkont ta' marġini
account.method of accountingmetodu kontabilistiku
comp., MSMicrosoft accountkont ta' Microsoft (A single set of sign-in credentials (email address and password) that provides user access to PCs running Windows and Live-connected services)
comp., MSMicrosoft account loginslogins tal-kont ta' Microsoft (In Windows 8 all windows portal experiences support and persist Live ID logins streamlining the partner experience when working with multiple services and sites)
fin.modified accrual accountingkontabbiltà bbażata fuq id-dovuti modifikata
fin.money of accountflus skritturali
fin.movement on the accountmoviment fil-kont
comp., MSMy AccountIl-Kont Tiegħi (A web experience on Office.com that enables users to manage their Office licenses and subscriptions)
environ.national accounting Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economykontabilità nazzjonali
account., environ.National Accounting Matrix including Environmental AccountsMatriċi Nazzjonali tal-Kontabilità inklużi kontijiet Ambjentali
environ.national allowance holding accountkont ta' depożitu tal-kwota nazzjonali
environ.national environmental accounting The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countrieskontabilità nazzjonali ambjentali
environ.net-net accountingkontabilità nett-nett
account., ecol.nominated holding accountkont tal-kwoti ddeżinjat
fin., account.one-off accounting adjustmentaġġustament kontabbli ta' darba
comp., MSonline accountkont online (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP))
ecol.operator holding accountkont ta' depożitu tal-operatur
fin.own account tradingnegozjar għan-nom proprju
empl.own-account workerimpjegat awtonomu
fin., econ., account.owner's equity accountkont tal-kapital tas-sidien
environ.Party accountkont ta' parti
environ.Party holding accountkont ta' depożitu ta' Parti
fin.payment accountkont tal-pagamenti
commer., fin., account.payment on accountħlas akkont
bank., ITPayments Module accountkont tal-modulu tal-ħlasijiet
gen.Payments Module accountkont PM
comp., MSPermanent Account NumberNumru tal-Kont Permanenti (A 10-character alphanumeric identifier issued by the Indian Income Tax Department to all taxable entities for taxation and identification purposes)
environ.person holding accountkont ta' depożitu personali
account.primary basis of accountingbażi primarja tal-kontabilita'
fin.principle of unit of accountprinċipju tal-unità tal-kontijiet
account.profit and loss accountrapport tal-introjtu
fin., account.profit and loss accountkont ta' qligħ u telf
obs., account.profit and loss accountdikjarazzjoni tad-dħul
ecol.replacement accountkont ta' sostituzzjoni
environ.retirement accountkont tal-irtirar
fin.revaluation booked in the profit and loss accountrivalwazzjoni rreġistrata fir-rapport tal-introjtu
environ.satellite account A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial recordskont kumplimentari
fin., account.sectional accountsubkont
comp., MSservice accountkont tas-servizz (An account that is intended to be used to run a service. A service account has privileges beyond those provided when a service is run as part of the system, such as the ability to connect over the network to another computer)
account.settlement date accountingkontabbiltà skont id-data tas-saldu
fin.settlement of accountssaldu tal-kontijiet
fin., account.settling of accountssaldu ta' kontijiet
fin., account.share premium accountkont tal-premium tal-azzjonijiet
comp., MSstandard accountkont standard (A type of user account that allows users to install software and change system settings that do not affect other users or the security of the computer. This account type is recommended for daily use)
law, tax.Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account InformationStandard ta' Rappurtar Komuni
law, tax.Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account InformationStandard għall-Iskambju Awtomatiku ta' Informazzjoni dwar Kontijiet Finanzjarji
fin., account.sub-accountsubkont
econ., tax., account.suspense accountkont ta' sospiża
environ.suspension of access to accountssospensjoni tal-aċċess għall-kontijiet
gen.take due/full account oftieħu kont ta'
gen.take due/full account oftieħu in konsiderazzjoni
gen.take into accounttieħu kont ta'
gen.take into accounttieħu in konsiderazzjoni
fin.term deposit accountkont ta' depożitu b'terminu
fin., tech.time-deposit accountkont ta' depożitu b'terminu
account.trade date accountingkontabilita' skont id-data tan-negozju
environ.trading platform holding accountkont ta' depożitu ta' pjattaforma ta' negozjar
account.uniform accounting policiespolitiki kontabilistiċi uniformi
account.unit of accountunità tal-kont
comp., MSUser Account ControlKontroll tal-kont tal-utent (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
environ.verifier accountkont ta' verifikatur
comp., MSWindows Live accountkont ta' Windows Live (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)