
Terms containing Core | all forms | exact matches only
ed.Common Core CurriculumKurrikulu Komuni Ewlieni
commun., el., empl.core activityattività ewlenija
commun., el., empl.core activityattività prinċipali
commun., el., empl.core activityattività ċentrali
bank.core capitalkapital tal-Grad 1
immigr.Core Country Group for Return MattersGrupp Ristrett ta' Pajjiżi fil-Qasam tar-Ritorn
fin.core credit institutionistituzzjoni ta' kreditu prinċipali
polit.core documentdokument bażiku
account.core goodwillavvjament bażiku
gen.Core Groupgrupp ristrett
interntl.trade., social.sc.core labour standardsstandards fundamentali tax-xogħol
environ.core meltdown An accidental overheating of the part of the nuclear reactor where fission takes place, causing fuel elements and other parts of the reactor to melt, potentially leading to catastrophic consequences in which dangerous levels of radioactive materials would be released into the environmenttidwib tal-qalba ta' reattur nukleari
gen.core meltdowntidwib tal-qalba ta' reattur nukleari
transp.core networknetwerk ewlieni
transp.core networknetwerk ċentrali
fin.core Tier 1 capitalkapital tal-Grad 1 ta' ekwità komuni
empl.core timeħinijiet rekwiżiti tax-xogħol
law, commer.hard core restrictionsrestrizzjonijiet "ibsin"
immigr.Joint Return Operation Core Country GroupGrupp Ristrett ta' Pajjiżi għall-Operazzjonijiet Konġunti ta' Ritorn
commun., industr.mobile network corenukleu tan-netwerk mobbli
transp.TEN-T Core Networknetwerk ċentrali
transp.TEN-T Core Networknetwerk ewlieni
transp.Trans-European Transport TEN-T Core Networknetwerk ewlieni
transp.Trans-European Transport TEN-T Core Networknetwerk ċentrali