
Terms for subject Environment containing Centre | all forms | exact matches only
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of DisastersĊentru għar-Riċerka dwar l-Epidemjoloġija tad-Diżastri
centre of crop diversityċentru għad-diveristà ta' l-għelejjel
centre of diversityċentru għad-diveristà ta' l-għelejjel
city centre The central part of a cityċentru tal-belt
data centre An organization established primarily to acquire, analyze, process, store, retrieve, and disseminate one or more types of dataċentru tad-data
documentation centre Centre for assembling, coding, and disseminating recorded knowledge comprehensively treated as an integral procedure, utilizing various techniques for giving documentary information maximum accessibility and usabilityċentru ta' dokumentazzjoni
historic centre That part of a town or city in which the principal public and historic buildings are locatedċentru storiku
information centre Any facility devoted to the collection, maintenance and distribution of materials or data compiled to convey knowledge on some subject, often with trained staff persons available to answer questionsċentru ta' informazzjoni
leisure centre A building containing a swimming pool and a large room or other places where you can play sportsċentru ta' rikreazzjoni
nuclear research centre A facility in which scientists and other researchers study the behavior and characteristics of atomic nuclei through testing and other forms of experimentation, often to invent new technology with scientific, medical and industrial purposesċentru ta' riċerka nukleari
Regional Environmental Centre for Central AsiaĊentru reġjonali għall-ambjent ta' l-Asja Ċentrali
remote sensing centre Centre where remote sensing data are stored, handled and analyzedċentru għas-sensing mill-bogħod
research centre Place where systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on a subject is performedċentru ta' riċerka
shopping centre Enclosed area in which there is a variety of shopsċentru kummerċjali
training centre Place where people are prepared for a specific purposeċentru għat-taħriġ