
Terms for subject Microsoft containing in | all forms | exact matches only
add-inosagarri (A supplemental program that can extend the capabilities of an application program)
built-in role groupfuntzio talde barneratu (A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization)
built-in styleestilo barneratu (The formatting attributes that are available by default in an application's style list)
COM add-inCOM osagarri (A supplemental program with the filename extension .dll or .exe that extends the capabilities of a program by adding custom commands and specialized features)
Ease InHurbildu (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
e-mail as sign in IDsaioa hasteko ID gisa erabil daitekeen helbide elektroniko (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
fill in the blank questionhutsuneak betetzeko ariketa (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must enter a response in the blank space or spaces provided)
2-in-1tableta bihurgarri (A computer that has properties both of a tablet and a laptop)
in a calldei batekin (Pertaining to a user engaged in a phone conversation)
in-app offeraplikazio barneko eskaintza (A feature that a developer provides in an app for consumers to buy from within the app through an in-app purchase transaction)
in-app purchaseaplikazio barneko erosketa (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
in-country number formatherrialde barruko zenbakien formatu (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
in-country/region number formatEstatuko zenbakien formatu (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
In-Place Holdjatorrizkoaren kopia lokal (A feature that allows for preservation of content documents, pages, and messages in Exchange and SharePoint so that when they are modified or deleted, the original version can still be accessed for electronic discovery and other legal purposes)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In AssistantMicrosoft Online Services-en saioa hasteko laguntzaile (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
PIN sign-inPIN bidezko saio-hasiera (The capability to sign in to a PC by using a four-digit code)
plug-inplugin (An auxiliary software component that extends or enhances the features of other software)
sign inhasi saioa (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
Sign InHasi saioa (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
sign-in infosaioa hasteko informazio (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in informationsaioa hasteko informazio (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
Silverlight plug-inSilverlight plugin (A plug-in that users download to run a Silverlight-based application in their browser. This term also refers to the component embedded in a Web page that renders Silverlight content)
Time-Based In-Place Holddenboran oinarritutako kopia lokal (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
Windows Live Sign-in AssistantWindows Live saioa hasteko laguntzailea (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
zoom inhandiagotu (To enlarge a selected portion of a graphical image or document to fill a window or the screen)