
Terms for subject Microsoft containing left | all forms | exact matches only
alias (The portion of the e-mail address that appears to the left of thevzdevek
Fly In, Left and RightPrileti noter, z leve in desne (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Fly In, Top LeftPrileti noter, zgoraj levo (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
left alignporavnati levo (To align text along the left margin)
left-alignedlevo poravnano (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the left margin)
left mouse buttonleva tipka miške (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
left panelevo podokno (The navigational pane at the left of most webpages and Windows folders)
Left voicemailGlasovno sporočilo (Check box on Phone Call form that indicates that, when the call was made, a voicemail was left for the recipient)
Right-to-Left Reading OrderBranje od desne proti levi (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
Video LeftVideo levo (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)