
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Data | all forms | exact matches only
accounting dataračunovodski podatki (Information from the accounting system)
Active Directory data modelpodatkovni model imenika Active Directory (A model derived from the LDAP data model. The directory holds objects that represent entities of various sorts, described by attributes. The objects and classes of objects that can be stored in the directory are defined in the schema. For each class of objects, the schema defines the attributes an instance of the class must have, the additional attributes it can have, and the class that can be its parent)
ActiveX Data ObjectsADO, Podatkovni predmeti ActiveX (A data access interface that communicates with OLE DB-compliant data sources to connect to, retrieve, manipulate, and update data)
Boot Configuration Data objectpredmet nastavitev shrambe BCD (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
Business Data Connectivity Model Templatepredloga modela BDC (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
Business Data Connectivity servicestoritev BDC (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Business Data Connectivity Service Applicationprogram storitev BDC (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
Business Data Connectivity Service Application Proxystrežnik proxy programa storitev BDC (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Business Data Connectivity Shared Serviceskupna storitev BDC (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
calendar datakoledarski podatki (Free or busy information for internal or federated contacts obtained by Lync or Office Communicator from Microsoft Outlook via a web service)
cellular datamobilni podatki (Non-voice data that a phone exchanges over the air, using the mobile operator's cellular network)
Collaboration Data Objectsprogramski vmesnik CDO (An application programming interface (API) that allows users and applications high-level access to data objects in Exchange. CDO defines the concept of different object classes, including messages, posts, appointments, and tasks)
Collect Data Through E-mailZbiranje podatkov po e-pošti (A feature that allows an end-user to collect data via E-mail using Access, Outlook, and InfoPath)
connected data sourcepovezan vir podatkov (A directory, database, file, or other data repository that is typically offsite and that needs to be accessed remotely)
data barpodatkovna vrstica (A graphical bar (think bar charts) displayed in each cell. The length of the bar is related to the cell's value)
data bindingvpenjanje podatkov (The process of creating a link between a property and a source. The source can be local or external)
data bufferpodatkovni medpomnilnik (An area in memory where data is temporarily stored while being moved from one location to another)
data cardpodatkovna kartica (A small card that provides mobile broadband Internet access. Removable data cards can be in the format of PC cards, USB cards, ExpressCards; data cards can also be embedded laptop modules)
data centerpodatkovno središče (A facility used to house mission critical computer systems and associated components. It generally includes environmental controls (air conditioning, fire suppression, etc), redundant/backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections and high security)
data-centered designpodatkovno usmerjeno načrtovanje (A design in which users interact with their data directly without having to first start an appropriate editor or application)
data channelpodatkovni kanal (A separate channel of an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) line that is used for ISDN signaling. For ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI), the D-channel is 16 kilobits per second (Kbps). For ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI), the D-channel is 64 Kbps)
Data Collector SetNabor zbiralnikov podatkov (A computer management tool used to group data collectors into sets that run on the same schedule)
data conferencingpodatkovne konference (A method of real-time communication wherein participants share and collaborate on several data and document types. The session can be hosted on an in-house server, an Internet-based service, or both)
data connectionpodatkovna povezava (A connection that enables the transmission of data)
Data Connection Libraryknjižnica podatkovnih povezav (A document library, located on a site running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, that contains a collection of universal data connection (.udcx) and Office data connection (.odc) files)
data encryption keyšifrirni ključ za podatke (A bit string that is used in conjunction with an encryption algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data)
Data Encryption Standardšifrirni algoritem DES (An encryption algorithm that uses a 56-bit key and maps a 64-bit input block to a 64-bit output block. The key appears to be a 64-bit key, but one bit in each of the eight bytes is used for odd parity, resulting in 56 bits of usable key)
data enrichmentobogatitev podatkov (A feature that allows the user to choose an external data provider, and update the records in the CRM system based on the information from that data provider)
data entryvnos podatkov (The process of writing new data to computer memory)
Data Execution Preventionpreprečitev izvajanja podatkov (" A security feature that monitors programs on a computer to determine if they use system memory safely. To do this, DEP software works alone or with compatible microprocessors to mark some memory locations as "non-executable." If a program tries to run code that is malicious or is not from a protected location, DEP closes the program and notifies you.")
data fieldpodatkovno polje (A field that contains the result of a query to an external data source)
data filepodatkovna datoteka (A file consisting of data in the form of text, numbers, or graphics, as distinct from a program file of commands and instructions)
data flowpodatkovni tok (In a DFD model, an exchange of information between processes. Data flows represent discrete packets of data that flow into and out of processes)
data flowpodatkovni tok (In a DFD model, an exchange of information between processes. Data flows represent discrete packets of data that flow into and out of processes)
data flow diagramdiagram podatkovnega toka (A tool for functional analysis that shows the general flow of information through a system or program)
data formatoblika zapisa podatkov (The structure or appearance of a unit of data, such as a field, or text in a message body)
data formatoblika zapisa (The structure or appearance of a unit of data, such as a field, or text in a message body)
data graphicgrafični element s podatki (A graphic element on a drawing that is associated with data)
Data GridMrežni prikaz podatkov (An instance of Excel that has minimal UI and that enables a user to insert or edit chart data within the context of a non-Excel Office document)
data layoutrazporeditev podatkov (The arrangement and structure of data in a chart)
data limitomejitev prenosa (The amount of data the user can download/upload through the carrier's network each month without being billed additional charges)
data-link layerplast podatkovne povezave (Layer two of the OSI model. A layer that packages raw bits from the physical layer into frames (logical, structured packets for data). This layer is responsible for transferring frames from one computer to another, without errors. After sending a frame, the data-link layer waits for an acknowledgment from the receiving computer)
data mappodatkovna preslikava (A mapping between source files and Microsoft Dynamics CRM that can be used with either the Import Wizard or the Data Migration Wizard and take either the form of an import map or a data migration map)
data miningpodatkovno rudarjenje (The process of identifying commercially useful patterns or relationships in databases or other computer repositories through the use of advanced statistical tools)
data modelpodatkovni model (A collection of related object types, operators, and integrity rules that form the abstract entity supported by a database management system (DBMS). Thus, one speaks of a relational DBMS, a network DBMS, and so on, depending on the type of data model a DBMS supports. In general, a DBMS supports only one data model as a practical rather than a theoretical restriction)
data-overrun errornapaka preplavitve podatkov (A state in which the sending computer is transmitting characters faster than the receiving computer can accommodate them. If this problem persists, reduce the bits-per-second (bps) rate)
data packetpodatkovni paket (A unit of information transmitted as a whole from one device to another on a network)
data plannaročniški paket (A standardized service agreement between a cell phone user and a mobile operator that establishes data service details such as pricing, types of services, and bandwidth)
data pointpodatkovna točka (An individual value plotted in a chart and represented together with other data points by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut slices, dots, and various other shapes called data markers. Data markers of the same color constitute a data series)
data processingobdelovanje podatkov (The manipulation of data to transform it into some desired result)
data providerponudnik podatkov (A known data source specific to a target type that provides data to a collector type)
data retrieval service connectionpovezava storitve za pridobivanje podatkov (A Web Service installed on Windows SharePoint Services for connecting to and retrieving data)
Data SelectorIzbirnik podatkov (A wizard that lets users select, configure, and import data from a data source into a Visio diagram)
data service providerponudnik podatkovne storitve (A business entity, typically a company, that provides up to date data to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user)
data-sharing sessionseja skupne rabe podatkov (A conversation that is used to share data between conversation members using a non-Communicator application or plug-in)
data sourcevir podatkov (In communications, the portion of a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device that sends data)
data source formattingoblikovanje podatkovnega vira (A type of conditional formatting that is configured within Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services)
data source nameime vira podatkov (The collection of information used to connect an application to a particular ODBC database)
data source plug-invtičnik za podatkovne vire (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to use different storage systems)
data streampodatkovni tok (The flow of data from a source to a single receiver that flows through a channel, as opposed to packets, which may be addressed and routed independently, possibly to multiple recipients)
Data Terminal Equipmentpodatkovna terminalska oprema (In the RS-232-C hardware standard, any device, such as a remote access server or client, that has the ability to transmit information in digital form over a cable or a communications line)
Data Terminal Equipmentpodatkovna terminalska oprema (In the RS-232-C hardware standard, any device, such as a remote access server or client, that has the ability to transmit information in digital form over a cable or a communications line)
data terminal readysignal DTR (A signal used in serial communications sent, for example, by a computer to its modem to indicate that the computer is ready to accept an incoming transmission)
data transferprenos podatkov (The movement of information from one location to another, either within a computer (as from a disk drive to memory), between a computer and an external device (as between a file server and a computer on a network), or between separate computers)
data transferprenos (The movement of information from one location to another, either within a computer (as from a disk drive to memory), between a computer and an external device (as between a file server and a computer on a network), or between separate computers)
data transferprenos podatkov (The movement of information from one location to another, either within a computer (as from a disk drive to memory), between a computer and an external device (as between a file server and a computer on a network), or between separate computers)
data typevrsta podatkov (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
data visualizationupodobitev podatkov (A feature that enables the use of color, icons, or bars to help illustrate trends or show different values in a data range)
data writer plug-invtičnk za zapisovanje podatkov (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to deliver content as a unicast stream, as a multicast stream, or to an archive file)
electronic data interchangeEDI (A standard for exchanging bundles of data between two companies via telephone lines or the Internet. EDI transmits much larger bundles of data than can be transmitted via e-mail. For EDI to be effective, users must agree on certain standards for formatting and exchanging information, such as the X.400 protocol)
encrypted datašifrirani podatki (Data that has been converted from plaintext into ciphertext. Encrypted messages are used to disguise the content of a message when it is sent or stored)
External Content Type data sourcepodatkovni vir zunanje vrste vsebine (A type of data source used to connect to an external data source)
external datazunanji podatki (Data that is stored outside of the application that is currently in use)
external data columnstolpec zunanjih podatkov (A column type that allows data from external systems to be incorporated into SharePoint lists)
External Data Gridmreža zunanjih podatkov (A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC Metadata Store)
External Data Grid Web Partspletni gradnik mreže zunanjih podatkov (A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC Metadata Store)
External Data Itemelement zunanjih podatkov (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
External Data Item Builderelement zunanjih podatkov (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
External Data Item Builder Web Partspletni gradnik orodja za sestavljanje zunanjih podatkov (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
External Data Item Web Partspletni gradnik elementa zunanjih podatkov (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
external data partgradnik zunanjih podatkov (A set of controls that interact with external data through BCS)
external data providerzunanji ponudnik podatkov (A business entity, typically a company, that provides up to date data to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user)
External Data Related Listseznam, povezan z zunanjimi podatki (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
External Data Related List Web Partspletni gradnik seznama, povezanega z zunanjimi podatki (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
External Data Web Partsspletni gradniki zunanjih podatkov (Out-of-the-box Web Parts that are shipped as part of Business Connectivity Services)
Import Data WizardČarovnik za uvoz podatkov (A wizard used to import multiple records from a comma-delimited text file into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as records)
Link Data Sources Wizardčarovnik za povezane zbirke podatkov (A wizard dialog title to create a linked data source, where you can link multiple data sources into one single data source such as two different tables in a SQL database)
lost dataizgubljeni podatki (Information that cannot be found or recovered)
metered data planomejen prenos podatkov (A mobile broadband or other network or data plan that bills according to data use, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
Microsoft Data Categorization and Recommendation ServiceMicrosoftova storitev za kategorizacijo podatkov in priporočila (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you)
packet data servicestoritev paketnega prenosa podatkov (A Windows service for transferring data over mobile networks)
preliminary data validationpredhodno preverjanje veljavnosti podatkov (The process of validating data before it is processed. This validation helps detect and exclude some errors from the intended process, which might be the import or migration of users using a CSV file, for example)
raw dataneobdelani podatki (Unprocessed, typically unformatted, data, such as a stream of bits that has not been filtered for commands or special characters)
remote business data removaloddaljeno odstranjevanje poslovnih podatkov (A feature that lets enterprises securely remove only enterprise data from personal devices, without affecting any personal data)
sample data wizardčarovnik za vzorčne podatke (A wizard that installs sample data on the server)
scalar data typeskalarni podatkovni tip (A data type defined as having a predictable and enumerable sequence of values that can be compared for greater-than/less-than relationships. Scalar data types include integers, characters, user-defined enumerated data types, and (in most implementations) Boolean values)
sensitive dataobčutljivi podatki (Personally identifiable information (PII) that is protected in special ways by law or policy)
shape dataPodatki oblike (The collection of custom properties for a shape)
social datadružabni podatki (A collection of features that can be used to store and share comments, shortcuts, descriptions, and other information about Web pages and items on a SharePoint site or the Internet)
telemetry datatelemetrični podatki (Data that shows how partner products are used including where, how often, with which other software and hardware. This helps them identify user needs and experiences as well as potential marketing and product improvement opportunities over time. Partners and Microsoft can better understand what happens between planning, lab testing, sales data, and real world scenarios over time)
tenant-level external data logdnevnik zunanjih podatkov za najemnika (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
Usage and Health Data Collectionzbiranje podatkov o uporabi in zdravju (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
Windows Live Troubleshooting DataPodatki za odpravljanje težav v storitvi Windows Live (The visible name of the information sent to Microsoft via Windows Error Reporting if the Windows Live Essential Installer crashes)
Yes/No data typepodatkovni tip da/ne (A field data type you use for fields that will contain only one of two values, such as Yes or No and True or False. Null values are not allowed)