
Terms for subject Microsoft containing text | all forms | exact matches only
ALT textАЛТ-текст (Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words)
alternative textалтернативен текст (Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words)
body textосновен текст (The text that forms the major content of a publication. Does not include titles, headlines, pull quotes, and captions, for example)
comma-delimited text fileтекстуална датотека разграничена со запирка (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
delimited text fileдатотека со разграничен текст (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab)
full-text indexиндексирање на цел текст (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
full-text index catalogкаталог за индексирање на цел текст (A collection of full-text index components and other files that are organized in a specific directory structure and contain the data that is needed to perform queries)
full-text index componentкомпонента за индексирање на цел текст (A set of files that contain all index keys that are extracted from a set of items)
full-text index propagationдистрибуција на индексирање на цел текст (The process of propagating of one full-text index component)
full-text search indexиндексирање за пребарување на цел текст (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
group textГрупна СМС/MMS порака (A text message thread between a group of people (usually more than 2). It allows you to keep all the replies from people in one thread, so that you can see the whole conversation)
hidden textскриен текст (Text that does not display in the normal view of a document's content)
hyperlink display textприкажан текст на хиперврска (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen)
lead-in textвоведен текст (The first word or words in a paragraph or sentence)
master textглавен текст (The slide text on the slide master. The master text determines the format of text on all slides as well as the shape of text placeholders and their placement on slides)
Microsoft text telephoneMicrosoft-текстуален телефон (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
placeholder textтекст за резервирано место (Text or some other element used in an application as an indicator that the user should enter in his or her own text)
plain textобичен текст (A string of text that is displayed with one value for each text attribute: typeface, slant, and weight)
query textтекст на прашалник (The textual string portion of a query. Frequently, a user enters query text, but it can be programmatically amended and is not guaranteed to be exactly what the user typed)
rich-text boxRTF-рамка (A standard Windows control that is similar to a standard text box, except that it also supports individual character and paragraph properties)
rich text fieldполе за богат текст (A field that can show formatting and graphics, such as an embedded object, and not just text)
rich text XML mappingXML-мапирање на богат текст (A type of XML mapping that links WordprocessingML content directly to the backing data in the custom XML part)
text areaобласт со текст (A rectangular control in an application that allows the user to enter or edit text)
text attributesатрибути за текст (Any characteristic of text, such as font, size, style, color, or effect such as subscript or superscript)
Text-Based DesignerДизајнер заснован на текст (A text-based workflow editor that enables users to create and edit workflows by using declarative statements)
text bounding boxполе за ограничување текст (The smallest rectangle that can enclose the text in a text frame)
text boxтекстуално поле (A rectangular control in an application that allows the user to enter or edit text)
Text CycleЦиклус на текст (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the arrows or flow rather than the stages or steps. Works best with Level 1 text only)
text effectтекстуален ефект (A visual effect that colors, tweaks, or otherwise graphically alters fonts)
text flowтек на текст (The way text is displayed in a document, how it behaves and breaks according to settings)
text formattingформатирање текст (Formatting that controls the appearance of a text. Examples include text alignment, intercharacter spacing, text justification, and text and background colors)
text frameтекстуална рамка (An area within a shape that can contain text)
text labelознака за текст (Descriptive text that you can add to a form, worksheet, chart, or other document)
text messageтекстуална порака (A short alphanumeric message that is sent between mobile phones or devices using the SMS protocol)
text placeholderрезервирано место со текст (A symbolic value used instead of a real value which in this case is text)
text predictionпредлог за збор (A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing)
text queryтекстуален прашалник (One or more phrases that can contain operators, quotation marks, wildcards such as or ?, and parentheses)
text slotотвор за текст (A slot where the user can type text)
text suggestionпредлог на текст (A word that's suggested as users type, which they can select to quickly insert)
text telephoneтекстуален телефон (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
text-to-speechод текст во говор (Pertaining to technologies for converting textual (ASCII) information into synthetic speech output. Used in voice-processing applications requiring production of broad, unrelated, and unpredictable vocabularies, such as products in a catalog or names and addresses. This technology is appropriate when system design constraints prevent the more efficient use of speech concatenation alone)
text wrapпрелом на текст (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
text wrappingпрелом на текст (A feature that consists of advanced text wrap functionality, allowing the user to select from various styles to specify how text flows around objects or graphics in a document)
typed textотчукан текст на машина (Text that you enter by using a keyboard or that your Tablet PC converts from handwriting or speech)
WordArt textТекст на WordArt (The text of a WordArt object)