
Terms containing text | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSalternative textalternatívny text (Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words)
comp., MSbody textzákladný text (The text that forms the major content of a publication. Does not include titles, headlines, pull quotes, and captions, for example)
comp., MSboilerplate textčasto používaný text (Recyclable text; a piece of writing or code, such as an organization's mission statement or the graphics code that prints a software company's logo, which can be used over and over in many different documents)
comp., MSclear-text passwordnešifrované textové heslo (A password that is not scrambled, thus making it more susceptible to network sniffers)
comp., MSClearType Text TunerLadenie písma ClearType (A program that helps make the text on your screen easier to read for long periods of time)
gen.compromise textkompromisné znenie
lawconsolidated textkonsolidovaný text
lawconsolidated textzjednotený text
comp., MSdelimited text filesúbor s textom s oddeľovačmi (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab)
comp., MSDraw Text toolPísanie poznámok (An annotation tool used to add notes or comments to a slide)
comp., MSdynamic text fieldpole s dynamickým textom (A text field that displays changing text, most often used in conjunction with a progress bar in order to indicate progress)
comp., MSfixed-width text filetextový súbor s pevnou šírkou (A file containing data, where each field has a fixed width)
comp., MSfull-text indexregister celotextového hľadania (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
comp., MSfull-text search indexindex celotextového hľadania (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
comp., MSGlobal text directionglobálny smer textu (Defines the flow of text in text entry boxes and edit controls. You can choose a left-to-right or right-to-left direction, or base the direction on the context of the first strong character that is detected)
comp., MSgroup textskupinová správa (A text message thread between a group of people (usually more than 2). It allows you to keep all the replies from people in one thread, so that you can see the whole conversation)
comp., MShidden textskrytý text (Text that does not display in the normal view of a document's content)
comp., MShyperlink display textzobrazovaný text hypertextového prepojenia (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen)
comp., MShyperlink display textzobrazovaný text prepojenia (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen)
polit., lawjoint textspoločný text
fin.joint textspoločný návrh
environ.legal text The exact wording or language of a law or other document in conformity with the law or having the authority of lawprávny dokument
gen.legislative textslegislatívne texty
comp., MSMicrosoft text telephoneprogram Microsoft Textový telefón (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
polit.non-legislative textnelegislatívny text
comp., MSoverflow textpretečený text (Text that does not fit within a text box. The text is hidden until it can be flowed into a new text box, or until the text box it overflows is resized to include it)
comp., MSplaceholder textzástupný text (Text or some other element used in an application as an indicator that the user should enter in his or her own text)
fin., IT, dat.proc.public textverejný textový
comp., MSpure textčistý text (Simply formatted text without borders, graphics, or cells. Important for Web publishing)
comp., MSrecognized textrozpoznaný text (Text that appears under your handwriting on the writing pad or in place of the handwritten letter in the character pad)
comp., MSrich-text boxpole pre text typu rich-text (A standard Windows control that is similar to a standard text box, except that it also supports individual character and paragraph properties)
comp., MSrich-text editoreditor RTF (A text-editing program that lets users create instant messages or blog posts that contain rich text elements, such as text formatting and embedded images)
comp., MSrich text fieldpole formátu RTF (A field that can show formatting and graphics, such as an embedded object, and not just text)
ITRich Text Formatformát RTF
comp., MSrich text XML mappingmapovanie formátov XML a RTF (A type of XML mapping that links WordprocessingML content directly to the backing data in the custom XML part)
econ.sacred textnáboženský text
comp., MSscrolling text controlbežiaci text (A control or component on a page that displays moving text)
comp., MSstatic text fieldpole so statickým textom (A standard Windows control used for instructions, control labels, and all text that the user doesn't need to horizontally scroll, edit, or select. Compare text box)
environ.statutory text A document or a portion thereof expressing an official enactment of a legislative body, with emphasis on the document's precise wording or languagezákonný dokument
comp., MStext attributesatribúty textu (Any characteristic of text, such as font, size, style, color, or effect such as subscript or superscript)
comp., MSText-Based DesignerTextový návrhár (A text-based workflow editor that enables users to create and edit workflows by using declarative statements)
comp., MStext blockblok textu (The text area associated with a shape that appears when you click the shape with the text tool or select it with the pointer tool)
comp., MStext boxtextové pole (A rectangular control in an application that allows the user to enter or edit text)
comp., MSText Display SizeVeľkosť textu (An item on the Edit menu that displays a list of relative text sizes for instant message text)
comp., MStext editortextový editor (A program that creates files or makes changes to existing files)
comp., MStext effectefekty pre písma (A visual effect that colors, tweaks, or otherwise graphically alters fonts)
comp., MStext framerám textu (An area within a shape that can contain text)
comp., MStext harvestingzhromažďovanie textu (A process of extending a handwriting recognizer's lexicon by gathering and storing the user's vocabulary)
comp., MStext messagetextová správa (A short alphanumeric message that is sent between mobile phones or devices using the SMS protocol)
comp., MStext messageSMS správa (A short alphanumeric message that is sent between mobile phones or devices using the SMS protocol)
comp., MStext messagingzasielanie správ SMS (The process of creating and sending text messages between or to mobile phones and devices using the SMS protocol)
comp., MStext modetextový režim (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
comp., MStext-mode Setuptextový režim inštalácie (The second of the three stages of Setup, where the basic hardware of the computer (CPU, motherboard, hard disk controllers, file systems, and memory) is determined, the base operating system necessary to continue is installed, and specified folders are created)
comp., MStext predictionpredikcia textu (A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing)
comp., MStext predictiondokončovanie textu (A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing)
comp., MStext querytextový dotaz (One or more phrases that can contain operators, quotation marks, wildcards such as or ?, and parentheses)
comp., MSText slidetextová stránka prezentácie (A blank collaborative slide on which participants can type notes or comments)
comp., MStext suggestionnávrh textu (A word that's suggested as users type, which they can select to quickly insert)
comp., MStext telephonetextový telefón (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
comp., MStext telephonetextový telefón (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
comp., MStext trainertrénovanie rozoznávania textu (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user's vocabulary is analyzed in order to "teach" the recognizer which words should be recognized. The text trainer transforms raw user text from text harvesting into a form that can be used by a personalized recognizer)
lawtext with EEA relevancetext s významom pre EHP
comp., MStext wrappingobtekanie textu (A feature that consists of advanced text wrap functionality, allowing the user to select from various styles to specify how text flows around objects or graphics in a document)
gen.The decision exists in all languages, but English / French is the sole authentic version of the agreement. Translations of the text of the agreement will be published in the Official Journal.Toto rozhodnutie existuje vo všetkých jazykoch, ale jedinou autentickou verziou dohody je jej anglické/francúzske znenie. Preklady znenia dohody sa uverejnia v úradnom vestníku.
comp., MSVideo, In TextVideo za textom (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
econ.vote on a text as a wholehlasovanie o návrhu textu ako o celku