
Terms for subject Environment containing source | all forms | exact matches only
accident source The cause or origin of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environmentzdroj havárie
diffuse source Pollution which arises from various activities with no discrete sourcezdroj difúzneho znečistenia
emission sourcezdroj emisií
emission source A chemical process, building, furnace, plant or other entity responsible for the discharge of pollutants or contaminants into the environmentzdroj znečisťovania ovzdušia (1. stacionárny zdroj, ktorým je technologický celok, sklad alebo skládka palív, surovín a produktov, skládka odpadov, lom alebo iná plocha s možnosťou zaparenia, horenia alebo úletu znečisťujúcich látok alebo iná stavba, objekt, zariadenie a činnosť, ktorá znečisťuje alebo môže znečisťovať ovzdušie; vymedzený je ako súhrn všetkých zariadení a činností v rámci funkčného celku a priestorového celku. 2. mobilný zdroj, ktorým je pohyblivé zariadenie so spaľovacím motorom alebo iným hnacím motorom, ktorý znečisťuje ovzdušie)
emitting sourcezdroj emisií
energy source Potential supplies of energy including fossil and nuclear fuels as well as solar, water, wind, tidal and geothermal powerzdroj energie
energy source material Sources from which energy can be obtained to provide heat, light, and power. Energy resources, including fossil and nuclear fuels as well as solar, water, tidal and geothermal energy, may be captured or recovered and converted into other energy forms for a variety of household, commercial, transportation, and industrial applicationsenergetické suroviny
impact source Elements of an action which cause damage to the surrounding environmentzdroj negatívnych účinkov
information source Generally, any resource initiating and substantiating the reception of knowledge or specifically, the origin of a data transmissioninformačný zdroj
line source Line source means a one-dimensional source. An example of a line source is the particular emissions from a dirt roadlíniový zdroj
linear source of sound Point noise sources placed one after the other one as, for instance, in a row of cars moving on a roadlineárny zdroj zvuku
non-polluting energy source Energy that is ecologically safe and renewable. The most widely used source is hydroelectric power, which currently supplies some 6.6% of the world's energy needs. Other non-polluting sources are solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy and wind energy. Most non-polluting energy sources require a high capital investment but have low running costszdroj energie neznečisťujúci prostredie
plane source Pollution which arises from various activities with no discrete sourceplošný zdroj znečistenia
point source Pollution from a discrete source, such as a septic tank, a sewer, a discharge type, a landfill, a factory or waste water treatment works discharging to a watercourse; stack emission from an industrial process; or spillage from an underground storage tank leaching into groundwaterbodový zdroj znečistenia
pollutant source identificationidentifikácia zdroja znečisťujúcej látky
renewable energy sourceobnoviteľný zdroj energie
separation at source Segregating various wastes at the point of generation (e.g. separation of paper, metal and glass from other wastes) to make recycling simpler and more efficientseparácia pri zdroji
ship-source pollutionznečisťovanie mora z lodí
sorting at source The classification and separation of solid waste, according to type, at the location where it is generatedtriedenie pri zdroji
source of emissionzdroj emisií
source of pollution The place, places or areas from where a pollutant is released into the atmosphere or water, or where noise is generated. A source can be classified as point source, i.e. a large individual generator of pollution, an area source, or a line source, e.g. vehicle emissions and noisezdroj znečistenia
use of waste as energy sourcevyužitie odpadov ako zdroja energie
waste collection at source The gathering and transporting of refuse from its place of origin, system where waste is collected by the waste producer at the production placezber odpadov pri zdroji