
Terms for subject Microsoft containing instance | all forms | exact matches only
IIS instanceinštancia programu IIS (A system for organizing sites on a server. Each server can have more than one IIS instance, and each IIS instance can have more than one top-level site)
Single Instance Storeukladací priestor jednotlivých inštancií (A component that saves disk space on the server by maintaining a single physical copy of all identical files found. If SIS finds a duplicate file on the server, it copies the original file into the SIS store and leaves a link where the original resided. This technology is used only with Remote Installation Services)
single instancingvytvorenie jednej inštancie (A technique used within the file-based imaging process that allows you to store two or more copies of a file for the space cost of one copy)
workflow instanceinštancia pracovného postupu (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)