
Terms containing instance | all forms | exact matches only
lawat first instancev prvom stupni
obs., polit., lawCourt of First InstanceSúd prvého stupňa Európskych spoločenstiev
polit., lawCourt of First InstanceVšeobecný súd
polit., lawCourt of First Instance of the European CommunitiesVšeobecný súd
obs., polit., lawCourt of First Instance of the European CommunitiesSúd prvého stupňa Európskych spoločenstiev
comp., MSIIS instanceinštancia programu IIS (A system for organizing sites on a server. Each server can have more than one IIS instance, and each IIS instance can have more than one top-level site)
comp., MSSingle Instance Storeukladací priestor jednotlivých inštancií (A component that saves disk space on the server by maintaining a single physical copy of all identical files found. If SIS finds a duplicate file on the server, it copies the original file into the SIS store and leaves a link where the original resided. This technology is used only with Remote Installation Services)
comp., MSsingle instancingvytvorenie jednej inštancie (A technique used within the file-based imaging process that allows you to store two or more copies of a file for the space cost of one copy)
comp., MSworkflow instanceinštancia pracovného postupu (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)