
Terms containing Automation | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAutomation objectobjekt automatizácie (An object supplied by a component that supports Automation)
comp., MSAutomation serverautomatizačný server (An application that enables its objects, methods, and properties to be controlled by other applications through Automation)
comp., MShome automation controllerradič domácej automatizácie (A software or device that helps control your home smart devices automatically)
econ.office automationkancelárska automatizácia
comp., MSOffice Automation ServicesSlužby automatizácie pre Office (Collectively, the SharePoint service applications that write to ULS logs using shared code for automated document processing)
comp., MSSales Force AutomationAutomatizácia predaja (The management of all aspects of the sales cycle and standardization of key sales functions by automating activities such as account and opportunity management, quote and proposal generation, scheduling, forecasting, and reporting)