
Terms containing As | all forms | exact matches only
fin., lab.law., tech.activity as a self-employed persončinnosť samostatne zárobkovo činnej osoby
social.sc., empl.activity as a self-employed personsamostatná zárobková činnosť
lawagreement as to successiondedičská zmluva
lawalert for seizure or use as evidencezápis na účely zaistenia alebo použitia ako dôkazu
environ.animal dung as fuel Excrement from animals that may be dried and burned to generate energy or converted to liquid or gaseous fuels, such as methane, through chemical processesexkrementy živočíchov ako palivo
lawas a giftbezodplatne
lawas amendedv znení zmien a doplnení
lawas amended byzmenené a doplnené ...
gen.as amended by ...zmenené a doplnené ...
comp., MSAS boundary routerhraničný smerovač autonómneho systému (A router that exchanges routing information with routers that belong to other autonomous systems. The ASBR then advertises external routes throughout the autonomous system. ASBRs can be internal or area border routers, and they might or might not be connected to the backbone)
lawas last amended by...naposledy zmenené a doplnené ...
lawAs regards Cyprus, this INSTRUMENT constitutes an act building upon, or otherwise related to, the Schengen acquis within the meaning of Article 3 of the 2003 Act of Accession.Pokiaľ ide o Cyprus, toto táto právny akt predstavuje akt, ktorý je založený na schengenskom acquis alebo s ním inak súvisí v zmysle článku 3 ods. 2 Aktu o pristúpení z roku 2003.
gen.as requiredpodľa potreby
environ.business-as-usual scenariovývoj za nezmenených okolností
environ.business-as-usual scenarioscenár nezmeneného prístupu
IT, dat.proc., transp.certification as an officer in charge of a navigational watchosvedčenie spôsobilosti ako dôstojník zodpovedný za navigačnú hliadku
transp., tech., el.certification as chief engineer officerosvedčenie prvého strojného dôstojníka
transp., nautic.certification as chief mateosvedčenie prvého palubného dôstojníka
transp., tech., el.certification as second engineer officerosvedčenie druhého strojného dôstojníka
comp., MScomplex type (An element that can contain other elements or attributes and appears askomplexný typ
environ.Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Partieskonferencia strán slúžiaca ako stretnutie strán Kjótskeho protokolu
obs., environ.Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the PartiesKonferencia zmluvných strán, ktorá predstavuje zasadnutie zmluvných strán Kjótskeho protokolu
environ.Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocolkonferencia strán slúžiaca ako stretnutie strán Kjótskeho protokolu
obs., environ.Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto ProtocolKonferencia zmluvných strán, ktorá predstavuje zasadnutie zmluvných strán Kjótskeho protokolu
transp., nautic.Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 as amendedDohovor o uľahčení medzinárodnej námornej dopravy
gen.Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 as amendeddohovor FAL
fin.deal in investments as a principalobchod s investičnými nástrojmi vo vlastnom mene a na vlastný účet
gen.Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection grantedsmernica o oprávnení na medzinárodnú ochranu
gen.Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection grantedSmernica o normách pre oprávnenie štátnych príslušníkov tretej krajiny alebo osôb bez štátneho občianstva mať postavenie medzinárodnej ochrany, o jednotnom postavení utečencov alebo osôb oprávnených na doplnkovú ochranu a o obsahu poskytovanej ochrany
comp., MSe-mail as sign in IDe-mail ako prihlasovacie meno (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
law, immigr.entry as a general visitorturistická alebo súkromná cesta
fin.EU as a global playerEÚ ako globálny aktér
law, immigr.extension of stay as a general visitorpredĺženie pobytu
law, immigr.extension of stay as a general visitorpredĺženie povolenia na pobyt
comp., MSFile as PrintoutSúbor ako výtlačok (A command that will use a print driver installed by OneNote to create an image of a wide variety of filetypes. Files are printed to the print driver and inserted as images into OneNote)
law, immigr.foreign national employed as government authorised exchange workerstážista, ktorý je príslušníkom tretej krajiny
law, immigr.foreign national employed as government authorised exchange workercudzinec vykonávajúci stáž
IT, agric., el.guarantee as regards healthhygienické záruky
h.rghts.act.to have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal electionsmať právo voliť a byť volený vo voľbách do orgánov územnej samosprávy
gen.lean meat as percentage of carcase weightchudé mäso ako percento hmotnosti trupu
proced.law.living together as a cohabiting couplekonkubinát
comp., MSMark as FinalOznačiť ako finálnu verziu (An option that applies a read-only state to a document inside client applications)
forestr.measure as the log comes inmerajú ako guľatina, výrez prichádza
int. law., immigr.national long-stay visa valid concurrently as a short-stay visanárodné dlhodobé vízum platné súčasne ako krátkodobé vízum
gen.pay-as-you-go schemesystém priebežného financovania
account.pledged as collateralzaložený ako kolaterál
pharma., earth.sc., mech.eng.population as a wholeobyvateľstvo ako celok
h.rghts.act.recognition of same-sex partners as "next of kin"uznanie partnerov rovnakého pohlavia ako "najbližšieho príbuzného"
lawright to stand as a candidateprávo byť volený
social.sc., unions.right to take up and pursue activities as self-employed personsprávo začať a vykonávať činnosť ako samostatne zárobkovo činné osoby
gov., lawfull rights as a citizenobčianske práva
comp., MSSave AsUložiť ako (An item on the File menu and a button on the Instant Message toolbar that saves the text of the current conversation as a file on the user's computer)
comp., MSSave As E-mailUložiť ako e-mail (The item on the File menu that sends the text of the current conversation as an e-mail message to the user)
comp., MSSave as typeUložiť vo formáte (An option in the Save As dialog that enables a user to save a file in different formats or versions)
comp., MSShow me as away when my computer is idle for this time period:"Zobraziť stav ""Som preč"", ak čas nečinnosti môjho počítača dosiahne:" (The option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab, that changes the user's status to Away after the computer has been idle for the selected time period)
comp., MSShow Time AsZobraziť čas ako (The field name for the confirmation status used to categorize how firmly a service activity has been scheduled. The options include Requested, Tending, Pending, Reserved, In Progress, and Arrived)
comp., MSSign in asPrihlásiť sa ako (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
ITsoftware as a servicesoftvér ako služba
h.rghts.act., social.sc.Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceprogram Daphne II
h.rghts.act., social.sc.Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceprogram opatrení Spoločenstva na roky 2004 až 2008 na prevenciu a boj proti násiliu páchanému na deťoch, mládeži a ženách a na ochranu obetí a rizikových skupín program Daphne II
h.rghts.act., social.sc.Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceprogram Daphne III
h.rghts.act., social.sc.Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceosobitný program na zamedzenie a potlačenie násilia voči deťom, mladým ľuďom a ženám a na ochranu obetí a ohrozených skupín
polit., fin.statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactionsvyhlásenie o vierohodnosti vedenia účtov a o zákonnosti a riadnosti príslušných operácií
polit., fin.statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactionsvyhlásenie o vierohodnosti
law, immigr.stay as a general visitorturistická cesta
obs., law, immigr.stay as a general visitorcesta na účely turistiky
law, immigr.stay as a touristturistická cesta
obs., law, immigr.stay as a touristcesta na účely turistiky
pharma., food.ind., chem.substance used as a carriernosič
law, econ.the personal liability of officers and members as suchosobná zodpovednosť konateľov a členov
environ.use of waste as energy sourcevyužitie odpadov ako zdroja energie
environ.use of waste as materialvyužitie odpadu ako materiálu
chem.Use personal protective equipment as required.Používajte predpísané osobné ochranné prostriedky.
lawvalidity as to formformálna platnosť
econ.vote on a text as a wholehlasovanie o návrhu textu ako o celku