
Terms for subject Microsoft containing group | all forms | exact matches only
actions groupaðgerðahópur (A set of commands on the actions pane that are grouped together logically with a label that characterizes the type of command. For example, the commands with the label "New" in the example below constitute an actions group)
administrator role grouphlutverkahópur stjórnenda (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
batch grouprunuflokkur (A group of batch jobs. An administrator can determine which application object server (AOS) runs the jobs, and how many jobs an AOS runs)
budget groupfjárhagsáætlunarflokkur (A set of financial dimension values in a budget dimension hierarchy that is used to calculate aggregate budget funds allocated to superordinate financial dimension values by summing budget funds allocated to subordinate financial dimension values)
built-in role groupinnbyggður hlutverkahópur (A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization)
configuration groupafbrigðaflokkur (The list of components in a bill of materials (BOM) that are to be used together to produce a parent item)
contact grouptengiliðahópur (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
custom groupsérhópur (An item of a custom group field. A custom group contains two or more items from a row or column field)
custom group fieldsérhópssvæði (A field in the row or column area that contains custom groups as its items)
customer groupviðskiptavinaflokkur (A classification of customers that share key characteristics)
database availability groupaðgengishópur gagnagrunna (A group of up to 16 Mailbox servers that host a set of databases and provide automatic database-level recovery from failures that affect individual servers or databases)
discussion groupumræðuhópur (A forum on the Internet for discussions on a specified range of subjects)
distribution grouphópur viðtakenda (A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient)
dynamic distribution groupkvikur dreifingarflokkur (A distribution group that uses recipient filters and conditions to derive its membership at the time the message is sent)
fixed asset groupeignaflokkur (A set of characteristics that are assigned to a fixed asset. The fixed asset inherits the characteristics (such as type, number sequences, and default value models) from the group)
Group Ad-hoc Network Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devicessérnotanet (GN)
group filter controlstýring fyrir hópsíu (A drop-down list box control on a data access page that retrieves records from an underlying recordset based on the value you select from the list. On a grouped page, the control retrieves a specific group of records)
group moderatorritstjóri hóps (A person who is assigned the ability to approve and reject any messages sent to a public group or a dynamic distribution group)
group naming policynafnastefna hópa (A template applied to the distribution group names in your Microsoft Exchange organization. Specifically, you can specify that a prefix, a suffix, or both be applied to all distribution group names. You can also block certain words from being used in the names)
group ownereigandi hóps (A person authorized to manage and make certain changes to a group, such as to approve a membership request)
Group Policyhópstefna (A feature introduced with Windows 2000 that allows administrators to enforce computer-specific and user-specific settings to domain-based computers)
group schedulehópáætlun (The combined schedule of a number of people or resources)
item discount groupvöruafsláttarflokkur (A grouping of items to which the same discount structure applies)
item groupvöruflokkur (A user-defined description that is used to classify a group of items that have common characteristics)
item price tolerance groupvikmarkaflokkur vöruverðs (A group of items that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
item sales tax groupVSK-flokkur vöru (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for an item. A sales tax group and an item sales tax group must be connected to each transaction that is subject to sales tax. Sales tax is calculated only for the sales tax codes that are included in both the sales tax group and the item sales tax group)
language grouptungumálahópur (A group that controls which system locale, user locales, input locales, and user interface (UI) languages can be selected)
local groupstaðbundinn hópur (A security group that can be granted rights and permissions only to resources on the computer on which the group is created. Local groups can have any user accounts that are local to the computer as members, as well as users, groups, and computers from a domain to which the computer belongs)
mail-enabled universal distribution groupalmennur póstsendingarhópur (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled universal distribution group, all members of that list receive a copy of the message. Mail-enabled universal distribution groups cannot be used to assign permissions)
mail-enabled universal security groupalmennur póstöryggishópur (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. Unlike a mail-enabled universal distribution group, a mail-enabled USG can also be used to assign permissions. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled USG, all members of that group receive a copy of the message)
option groupvalkostaflokkur (A frame that can contain check boxes, toggle buttons, and option buttons on a form, report, or data access page. You use an option group to present alternatives from which the user can select a single option)
price groupverðflokkur (The price of any cost type (hour, expense, or fee) that is assigned to a specific group of customers or all customers)
product groupafurðaflokkur (A collection of products used for presentation, sales campaigns, or e-business)
product groupframleiðsluflokkur (A collection of products used for presentation, sales campaigns, or e-business)
project groupverkflokkur (A classification of projects that have characteristics in common, primarily for specifying the ledger accounts to use for posting)
public groupopinn hópur (An item in the global address list that provides an easy way to send messages to a group of people. A public group can include any item from a global address list, including other public groups)
repeating groupendurtekningahópur (A group in the data source that can occur more than once. Controls such as repeating sections and repeating tables are bound to repeating groups)
report groupskýrsluhópur (A set of report definitions that can be used to generate more than one report simultaneously)
role grouphlutverkahópur (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
role group membermeðlimur hlutverkahóps (A member of an administrator role group, which is a universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. The roles assigned to the role group are applied to each member who is added to the role group. This grants each user all the permissions allowed by the roles assigned to the role group)
route groupleiðahópur (A classification of routes that share certain production characteristics, such as queue time, setup time, and run time)
routing groupleiðaflokkur (A logical grouping of well-connected Exchange servers between which no connector is required for message transfer)
routing group connectorleiðaflokkstengill (An SMTP connector that is required for mail to flow between Exchange routing groups. When Exchange Server 2007 is installed in an existing Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server organization, the required routing group connector is created during setup)
rule group coderegluflokkskóði (A code that represents a common group of employees whose pay is processed using the same calculations)
sales tax groupVSK-flokkur (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for customers, vendors, projects, and ledger accounts)
Send/Receive groupsendingar- og móttökuhópur (E-mail accounts and folders that you can group and set common options for, such as whether to download headers or messages, size limits on downloaded messages, behavior online vs. offline, and time interval for connecting to the server)
service groupþjónustuflokkur (A logical combination of services that are maintained as one)
shortcut groupflýtileiðahópur (One of the groups of shortcuts to folders that can be displayed in the Shortcuts pane)
storage groupgeymsluflokkur (A collection of mailbox stores and public folder stores that share a set of transaction log files. Exchange manages each storage group with a separate server process)
subscription groupáskriftarflokkur (A classification of subscriptions used for pricing, posting, and otherwise managing subscriptions)
supplementary item groupfylgivöruflokkur (A user-defined classification of supplementary items that have similar characterisitcs)
update groupuppfærsluhópur (A collection of managed properties that are updated together in the search index)
user groupnotendaflokkur (A collection of users that have been assigned identical access permissions)
vendor price tolerance groupvikmarkaflokkur lánardrottnaverðs (A group that can be assigned to vendors and that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)