
Terms for subject Microsoft containing stream | all forms | exact matches only
Media Stream SourceOrigen de streaming de multimedia (The service that allows apps to send audio and video samples to the media pipeline to decode, encode into a file, and stream to Xbox using Play To)
program stream formatformato secuencias de programas (A file format that supports the multiplexing of audio, video, and data. Program streams are exclusive to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2-compressed files and use variable-sized packets that have a common time base. Program streams are designed to be played back from reliable media, such as hard drives and DVDs)
stream-based conversionconversión de secuencias (​A mode of Word Automation Services in which the input and output of the conversion are streams, rather than files on the site)
stream consumerconsumidor de flujo (The structure or device that consumes the output of a query. Examples are an output adapter or another running query.)
stream formatformato de secuencia (Information about the properties of a stream, such as the codecs used, frame rate, and frame size. A player uses stream format information to decode a stream)
stream format filearchivo de formato de secuencia (A file used by a player to decode a multicast stream)
stream-thinningtransmisión de baja resolución (The process of lowering the frame rate of source video to reduce the bandwidth required for streaming to be lower than or equal to the available client bandwidth. If necessary, the video portion of the stream may stop streaming and only the audio portion streamed)