
Terms for subject Microsoft containing hash | all forms | exact matches only
hash algorithmalgoritmo hash (An algorithm that produces a hash value of some piece of data, such as a message or session key. With a good hash algorithm, changes in the input data can change every bit in the resulting hash value; for this reason, hashes are useful in detecting any modification in a data object, such as a message. Furthermore, a good hash algorithm makes it computationally infeasible to construct two independent inputs that have the same hash. Typical hash algorithms include MD2, MD4, MD5, and SHA-1)
hash codecódigo hash (A fixed-size result that is obtained by applying a one-way mathematical function (sometimes called a hash algorithm) to an arbitrary amount of data. If there is a change in the input data, the hash changes. The hash can be used in many operations, including authentication and digital signing)
hash functionfunción hash (An algorithm that produces a hash value of some piece of data, such as a message or session key. With a good hash algorithm, changes in the input data can change every bit in the resulting hash value; for this reason, hashes are useful in detecting any modification in a data object, such as a message. Furthermore, a good hash algorithm makes it computationally infeasible to construct two independent inputs that have the same hash. Typical hash algorithms include MD2, MD4, MD5, and SHA-1)
hash partitioningcreación de particiones por hash (A way of partitioning a table or index by allowing SQL Server to apply an internal hash algorithm to spread rows across partitions based on the number of partitions specified and the values of one or more partitioning columns)
hash tabletabla hash (A data structure that carries out a mathematical calculation on a field identifier to determine where a data element in a large table or index is located)
Secure Hash Algorithm 1Algoritmo hash seguro 1 (An algorithm that generates a 160-bit hash value from an arbitrary amount of input data. SHA-1 is used with the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) in the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), among other places)