
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Recognition | all forms | exact matches only
Automatic Speech RecognitionReconocimiento de voz automático (Technology that allows machines to recognize and respond to human voice commands)
expenditure recognition accounting ruleregla de contabilidad de aprobación del gasto (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
gesture recognitionreconocimiento de gestos (A feature of the Pencil tool. As you begin to move the mouse, Visio quickly calculates the path the mouse pointer travels. If the path of the mouse is straight, the Pencil tool draws a straight line segment)
handwriting recognitionreconocimiento de escritura a mano (The act of handwriting being recognized as text on a Tablet PC)
Handwriting recognition personalization toolHerramienta de personalización del reconocimiento de escritura a mano (A feature of Windows Vista for Tablet PC that allows users to tailor handwriting recognition results to their own personal handwriting style)
magnetic ink character recognitionreconocimiento magnético de caracteres (A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters)
magnetic ink character recognition linelínea de lectura magnética de caracteres (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
optical character recognition linelínea de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text)
recognition accounting ruleregla de reconocimiento de ingresos y costes (An accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue and expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
recognition awardprima por méritos (A one-time award that can be paid out immediately in recognition of special effort, usually in the form of cash, stock, or a gift certificate. Recognition award plans usually involve a nomination and approval process and reward an accomplishment that represents a behavior or value promoted by the company)
revenue recognitionreconocimiento de ingresos (The process of transferring the revenue and costs currently recorded in the WIP balance sheet accounts to expense and revenue accounts in the Profit and Loss. The time and manner in which this can be performed is determined by Financial Standards)
revenue recognitionreconocimiento ingresos (The process of transferring the revenue and costs currently recorded in the WIP balance sheet accounts to expense and revenue accounts in the Profit and Loss. The time and manner in which this can be performed is determined by Financial Standards)
revenue recognition accounting ruleregla de contabilidad de aprobación de ingresos (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)
speech recognitionreconocimiento de voz (The ability to interpret vocal commands or convert spoken words into computer-readable text. Speech recognition programs enable you to control an application or enter text by speaking into a microphone, rather than by using a keyboard)
speech recognition profileperfil de reconocimiento de voz (The results from your speech training and the recognition settings that you chose)
voice recognitionreconocimiento de voz (The ability to interpret vocal commands or convert spoken words into computer-readable text. Speech recognition programs enable you to control an application or enter text by speaking into a microphone, rather than by using a keyboard)