
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Absolute | all forms | exact matches only
absolute categorization ratingclasificación de categorización absoluta (A method of evaluating transmitted voice quality where subjects rate (from 1 to 5) short groups of unrelated sentences under controlled conditions)
absolute category ratingclasificación de categoría absoluta (A method of evaluating transmitted voice quality where subjects rate (from 1 to 5) short groups of unrelated sentences under controlled conditions)
absolute cell referencereferencia de celda absoluta (In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula)
absolute linkvínculo absoluto (A hyperlink to the exact location of a file on a file server, the World Wide Web, or a company intranet. Absolute links use an exact path; if anyone moves the file containing the hyperlink or a hyperlink destination, the link breaks)
absolute pathruta de acceso absoluta (A path to a file that begins with the drive identifier and root directory or with a network share and ends with the complete file name (for example, C:\docs\work\contract.txt or \\netshare\docs\work\contract.txt))
absolute pointing devicedispositivo señalador absoluto (A mechanical or physical pointing device whose location is associated with the position of the on-screen cursor. For example, if the user of a graphics tablet places the pen on the upper right corner of the tablet, the cursor moves to the upper right corner of the screen or on-screen window associated with the pen)
absolute positioningposicionamiento absoluto (Placement of an element relative to either the element's parent or, if there isn't one, the body. Values for the element's Left and Top properties are relative to the upper-left corner of the element's parent)
absolute referencereferencia absoluta (In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula)
absolute security descriptordescriptor de seguridad absoluto (A security descriptor structure that contains pointers to the security information associated with an object)
absolute URLURL absoluta (" The full Internet address of a page or other World Wide Web resource. The absolute URL includes a protocol, such as "http," network location, and optional path and file name - for example, http://example.microsoft.com/.")