
Terms for subject Customs containing Good | all forms
bring goods into the customs territoryearraí a thabhairt isteach sa chríoch custaim
bring goods out of the customs territoryearraí a thabhairt amach as an gcríoch custaim
destruction of goodsdíothú earraí
enter the goods under a customs procedurecuir earraí faoi nós imeachta custaim
entry of goods for a customs procedureearraí a chur faoi nós imeachta custaim
equivalent goodsearraí coibhéiseacha
exit of goodsearraí a thabhairt amach
goods of the same class or kindearraí den aicme nó den chineál céanna
holder of goodssealbhóir na n-earraí
holder of the goodssealbhóir na n-earraí
identical goodsearraí comhionanna
non-preferential origin of goodstionscnamh neamhfhabhair earraí
origin of goodstionscnamh earraí
place the goods under a customs procedurecuir earraí faoi nós imeachta custaim
placing of goods under a customs procedureearraí a chur faoi nós imeachta custaim
produced goodsearraí táirgthe
returned goodsearraí arna dtabhairt ar ais