
Terms containing Air | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a friendly airdo‘stona muhit
gen.air-balloonhavo shari
gen.air-baseaviatsiya bazasi
gen.air-beddamlama matras
gen.air-linehavo yo‘li
gen.air mailhavo pochtasi
gen.air-pockethavo o‘pqoni
gen.air showaviatsiya ko‘rgazmasi
gen.air-tighthavo o‘tkazmaydigan
gen.by airsamolyot bilan
gen.by air-lineto‘g‘riga qarab
gen.fresh airtoza havo
inf.hot airsafsata
inf.hot airbekorchi gap
gen.in the open airochiq havoda
gen.noxious airkonning zaharli havosi
gen.stale airnafasni qaytaradigan og‘ir havo
gen.to assume to give oneself yoki to put on airsgerdaymoq
gen.to assume to give oneself yoki to put on airskattakonlik kattalik qilmoq
gen.to assume to give oneself yoki to put on airskibrlanmoq
gen.to assume to give oneself yoki to put on airskekkaymoq
gen.to assume to give oneself yoki to put on airso‘zini katta tutmoq olmoq
gen.to be in the air= na u yoqlik
gen.to be in the airna bu yoqlik bo‘lmay arosatda qolmoq
gen.to be in the airbilib tushunib, anglab bo‘lmaydigan ahvolda bo‘lmoq ahvolga tushmoq
gen.to be off the airradio orqali berishni eshittirishni, olib eshittirishni to‘xtatmoq
gen.to be off the airradiolashtirishni tugatmoq
gen.to be on the airradio orqali eshittirmoq bermoq, olib eshittirmoq
gen.to be on the airradioda radio orqali so‘zlamoq
gen.to be on the aireshittirish olib bormoq radiostansiya haqida
gen.to be on the airishlamoq
gen.to clear the airbiror narsaga aniqlik kiritmoq
gen.to clear the airnizo janjal, mojaroni bartaraf qilmoq
gen.to clear the airholatni vaziyatni yumshatmoq
austral., inf.to come up for airnafasini rostlamoq
austral., inf.to come up for airo‘ziga kelib olmoq
austral., inf.to come up for airdam olmoq
uncom.to fish in the airbekorga harakat qilmoq
uncom.to fish in the airbefoyda ish bilan mashg‘ul bo‘lmoq
gen.to go off the airradio orqali berishni eshittirishni, olib eshittirishni to‘xtatmoq
gen.to go off the airradiolashtirishni tugatmoq
gen.to leave in the air smb.kimningdir boshini qotirmoq garang qilmoq
gen.to leave in the air smb.kimnidir o‘yga tashvishga solmoq solib qo‘ymoq
gen.to leave smth. in the airbir bitimga kelmasdan qoldirmoq qo‘ymoq
gen.to leave smth. in the airtugatmasdan
gen.to leave smth. in the airnimanidir hal etmasdan
gen.to leave in the air smb.kimnidir taajjubga hayratga solmoq
gen.to make the air blueso‘kinmoq
gen.to make the air blueso‘kmoq
gen.to make the air blueqarg‘amoq
gen.to make the air bluebeodob behayo gaplar gapirmoq
gen.to make the air blueog‘zidan bodi kirib
gen.to make the air blueshodi chiqmoq
gen.to make the air bluehaqorat qilmoq
gen.to make the air blueurishmoq
gen.to make the air bluexafalashmoq
gen.to make the air blueolishmoq
gen.to make the air blueso‘kishmoq
uncom.to plough the airbekorga harakat qilmoq
uncom.to plough the airbefoyda ish bilan mashg‘ul bo‘lmoq
gen.to put on the airefirga uzatmoq
gen.to put on the airradio orqali olib eshittirmoq
book.to rend the airhavoni larzaga solmoq baqir-chaqir bilan
gen.to saw the airqattiq zo‘r berib imo-ishoralar qilmoq
gen.to saw the airqo‘l silkitmoq
gen.to saw the airzarb bilan qo‘l silkitmoq siltamoq
gen.to take the airbildirmasdan sekingina qochmoq
gen.to take the airko‘ch. quyon bo‘lmoq
avia.to take the airuchmoq
avia.to take the airhavoga ko‘tarilmoq
gen.to take the airquyonning rasmini chizmoq
gen.to take the airyo‘q bo‘lib qolmoq
gen.to take the airbildirmay qochib ketmoq
gen.to take the airg‘oyib bo‘lmoq
gen.to take the airjo‘nab ketib qolmoq
gen.to take the airqutulib qolmoq
gen.to take the airtoza havodan nafas olmoq
gen.to take the airqochib qolmoq
gen.to take the airqochib ketmoq
gen.to take the airtoza havoda sayr qilmoq
gen.to tread on airzavqlanmoq
gen.to tread on airsevinmoq
gen.to tread on airquvonmoq
gen.to tread on airshod-xurram shodmon bo‘lmoq
gen.to tread on airxursand shod bo‘lmoq
gen.to tread on air= terisiga sig‘may ketmoq
gen.to tread on airshodlikdan dunyoni unutmoq
gen.to tread on airshodlanmoq
gen.to tread upon airsevinmoq
gen.to tread upon airquvonmoq
gen.to tread upon airxursand shod bo‘lmoq
gen.to tread upon air= terisiga sig‘may ketmoq
gen.to tread upon airshodlikdan dunyoni unutmoq
gen.to tread upon airzavqlanmoq
gen.to tread upon airshod-xurram shodmon bo‘lmoq
gen.to tread upon airshodlanmoq
gen.to turn the air blueso‘kmoq
gen.to turn the air bluehaqorat qilmoq
gen.to turn the air blueqarg‘amoq
gen.to turn the air blueog‘zidan bodi kirib
gen.to turn the air blueshodi chiqmoq
gen.to turn the air bluebeodob behayo gaplar gapirmoq
gen.to turn the air blueso‘kinmoq
gen.to turn the air blueurishmoq
gen.to turn the air blueolishmoq
gen.to turn the air bluexafalashmoq
gen.to turn the air blueso‘kishmoq
gen.to walk on airshodlikdan dunyoni unutmoq
gen.to walk on airquvonmoq
gen.to walk on airzavqlanmoq
gen.to walk on airxursand shod bo‘lmoq
gen.to walk on air= terisiga sig‘may ketmoq
gen.to walk on airshod-xurram shodmon bo‘lmoq
gen.to walk on airsevinmoq
gen.to walk on airshodlanmoq
gen.to walk upon airzavqlanmoq
gen.to walk upon airxursand shod bo‘lmoq
gen.to walk upon air= terisiga sig‘may ketmoq
gen.to walk upon airshodlikdan dunyoni unutmoq
gen.to walk upon airsevinmoq
gen.to walk upon airquvonmoq
gen.to walk upon airshod-xurram shodmon bo‘lmoq
gen.to walk upon airshodlanmoq
gen.with an air of finalitygap tamom
gen.with an air of finalityboshqa gap yo‘q
gen.with an air of finalitygo‘yo hammasi tugagandek hal etilgandek
gen.with an air of finality= gap tugadi
gen.with an air of finalityshunday vajohat bilanki