
Terms containing Times | all forms
comp., MSAdd Time StampУақыт белгісін қосу (A button in the Comments section that the user can click to add a date or time stamp)
comp., MSbillable timeақы төленетін уақыт (An amount of time in which work or a task is performed. A client/customer can be charged for the time spent performing the task)
comp., MSDate/TimeКүні/уақыты (A data type used to hold date and time information)
comp., MSOne timeбір рет (A data limit plan where users purchase upfront a quota of data for a given time. For instance, pre-paid 500MB which expire in 6 months)
comp., MSone-time bypassбір рет қатынасу (To allow access one-time)
comp., MSpage timeбет жасау уақыты (The time that a OneNote page was created)
comp., MSreal-time block list serviceнақты уақыттағы құрсаулау тізімі қызметі (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
comp., MSrun timeорындау уақыты (The time during which an application is running. During run time, you can interact with an application)
comp., MSscreen time-outэкранның өшу уақыты (A setting that specifies an amount of time before the screen turns off and the phone locks itself)
comp., MSShow Time AsУақытты көрсету тәсілі (The field name for the confirmation status used to categorize how firmly a service activity has been scheduled. The options include Requested, Tending, Pending, Reserved, In Progress, and Arrived)
comp., MSsplit timeаралық уақыт (The time recorded for an interval or a segment of a race)
comp., MStime allowanceуақыт бойынша рұқсат (The number of hours or minutes per day that a child is allowed to use the computer)
comp., MSTime BrokerУақыт брокері (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
comp., MStime dimensionуақыт өлшемі (A dimension that breaks time down into levels such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day)
comp., MSTime Event BrokerУақыт оқиғаларының брокері (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
comp., MStime formulaуақыт формуласы (An expression that is created following the Simple Time Period Syntax. It takes the form of a time unit plus or minus a whole number, such as Year-1 or Month-6. It is the formula that is applied when you are using time intelligence on a dashboard)
comp., MStime frameуақыт аралығы (A period of time during which something takes place or is planned to take place)
comp., MStime intelligenceуақыт функциясы (Functionality that is used to show dynamic time periods relative to the current date)
comp., MStime intelligence filterуақыт функциясының сүзгісі (A dynamic dashboard filter that can be linked to scorecards and reports so that they will update automatically relative to the current time)
comp., MStime rangeУақыт ауқымы (A period of time during which a setting or other functionality is in effect)
comp., MStime stampуақыт белгісі (A certification specifying that a particular message existed at a specific time and date. In a digital context, trusted third parties generate a trusted time stamp for a particular message by having a time stamping service append a time value to a message and then digitally signing the result)
comp., MStime zoneуақыт белдеуі (A geographical area that observes the same local time. The local time has a positive, zero, or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset can be different during standard time and daylight saving time)