
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Enhanced | all forms | exact matches only
enhanced audio CDжетілдірілген дыбыс ықшам дискі (An audio CD that contains both audio and other multimedia content)
Enhanced Document AvailabilityЖетілдірілген Құжатқа қол жеткізу (A set of Microsoft Exchange features that offers increased access to documents even when the documents are located on an internal network or the software required to view the documents is not installed on the client computer)
enhanced DVD movieжетілдірілген бейне DVD дискі (A DVD from which the video section can be played on the DVD set top box. When inserted in the PC, the user can access additional features such as games, web links etc)
enhanced folderкеңейтілген қалта (A folder in a backward-compatible document library that supports document management tasks such as check-in, check-out, versioning, approval, and publishing)
enhanced presenceБар болуды жақсартылған күйде көрсету (The capability of publishing customized status information that depends on a presence subscriber's relationship to the source of the status information)
enhanced securityкүшейтілген қауіпсіздік (A security type that helps prevent unauthorized persons from discerning that a user is going to the Windows Live sign-in page. Otherwise, an unauthorized person might be able to intercept and manipulate the code on the sign-in page, which could result in user information being transmitted to an unauthorized website)