
Terms containing Assistant | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActivation AssistantAktiváló segéd (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
ed.Administrative Assistantadminisztratív asszisztens
comp., MSApproval AssistantJóváhagyási segéd (A report, accessible from the Web Author, that generates a list of all pages waiting for the approval of the user who is logged on)
fin.assistant accounting officerszámviteli segédtisztviselő
gen.assistant accounting officersszámviteli segédtisztviselők
gov.Assistant Administratorasszisztens tisztviselő
sport.assistant coachsegédedző
sport.assistant coachkisegítő edző
patents.Assistant Commissioner in charge of patent examinationa szabadalmi vizsgálati testület felügyelője
fenc.assistant fencing coachsegédvívómester
gen.assistant financial controllerpénzügyi segédellenőr
gov.Assistant Interpreterhelyettes tolmács
sport.assistant masseursegédgyúró
patents.assistant member of the patent officea Szabadalmi Hivatal nem állandó v. kisegítő tagja
comp., MSAssistant objectAssistant objektum (The Assistant is the shared Microsoft Office Assistant object. It is a fully programmable object)
lawassistant public prosecutorhelyettes ügyész
lawassistant public prosecutorügyész
comp., MSassistant shapesegédalakzat (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to any other shape with an elbow connector. This shape is placed above any additional subordinate shapes for the particular superior shape it is attached to)
lawassistant State counselügyész
lawassistant State counselhelyettes ügyész
ITAssistant Supervisorhelyettes biztos
athlet.assistant to starterindítóbíró segéde
sport.assistant trainersegédedző
sport.assistant trainerkisegítő edző
gov.Assistant Translatorhelyettes fordító
health.birth assistantdúla
comp., MSCalendar Printing Assistant for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007Naptárnyomtató segéd a Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 alkalmazáshoz (A Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 feature that allows users to select from and print a variety of customizable calendar templates)
health.childbirth assistantdúla
gov.Clerical Assistanthelyettes titkár
health.laboratory assistantvegyészlaboráns
agric.laboratory assistantlaboráns
patents.legal assistantsegítő
patents.legal assistantjogtanácsos
patents.legal assistanttanácsadó
comp., MSmanaged folder mailbox assistantpostaládasegéd a felügyelt mappákhoz (A Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistant that creates managed folders in users' mailboxes and applies managed content settings to them for messaging records management (MRM))
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Activation AssistantMicrosoft Office aktiváló segéd (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Sign-In AssistantMicrosoft Online Services - Bejelentkezési segéd (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
polit.Parliamentary Assistants ServiceParlamenti Asszisztensekkel Foglalkozó Szolgálat
polit., gov.personal assistantszemélyi asszisztens
met.Principal Administrative Assistantvezető adminisztratív asszisztens
comp., MSProgram Compatibility AssistantProgramkompatibilitási segéd (A tool that provides a discoverable and generic solution to allow end users resolve compatibility issues at runtime, just after the user completed running a program with problems. This is accomplished by monitoring programs for compatibility issues through heuristics and whenever a potential issue is detected, provide the user with interface to re-run the program with solutions)
comp., MSScheduling AssistantÜtemező segéd (An Outlook and Outlook Web Access feature that automatically suggests the best meeting times for a given a group of attendees, allowing users to schedule people and resources quickly and efficiently)
athlet.starter's assistantindítóbíró segéde
comp., MSTopic AssistantTémakör segéd (A tool used to categorize content into areas automatically)
vet.med.veterinary assistantállatorvossegéd
agric.veterinary assistant surgeonállatorvossegéd
comp., MSWindows Live Sign-in AssistantWindows Live bejelentkezési segéd (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
comp., MSWindows 8 Upgrade AssistantWindows 8 frissítési segéd (A downloadable app that helps users choose which edition of Windows 8 is right for them, determine if their hardware can support it, determine the compatibility of apps and devices and assist with any changes that are needed, and then purchase and install it from within the app)