
Terms containing font | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSdefault fontნაგულისხმევი შრიფტი (The font that a program uses by default to display text)
comp., MSfont familyშრიფტის ოჯახი (" The set of available fonts representing variations of a single typeface. For example, Times Roman and Times Roman Italic are members of the same font family. When the user indicates italic, the system selects the correct italic font for the font family, with its characteristic appearance. If there is no italic font in the family, the system simply slants, or "obliques", the corresponding roman character.")
comp., MSfont previewerშრიფტების გადამხედველი (A tool or feature that allows users to see different fonts, typography formats, and lettershapes that display on the computer and/or on Web sites)
comp., MSfont sizeშრიფტის ზომა (The point size of a set of characters in a particular typeface)
comp., MSfont styleშრიფტის სტილი (The stylistic attributes of a font - such as bold, italic, and underline)
comp., MSfont substitutionშრიფტების მისადაგება (A substitution that occurs when Windows or your printer uses a font similar to the one you used in your publication to display or print your publication)
comp., MSstandard fontსტანდარტული შრიფტი (The default text font for worksheets. The standard font determines the default font for the Normal cell style)
comp., MStheme fontთემის შრიფტი (One of a set of major and minor fonts that is applied to a file. Theme fonts, theme colors, and theme effects compose a theme)