
Terms for subject Microsoft containing proxy | all forms | exact matches only
cache/proxy serverserveur de cache/proxy (A server running Windows Media Services for which a cache/proxy plug-in has been enabled, allowing the server to provide cache and proxy support to another Windows Media server)
enrollment proxy pointpoint proxy d'inscription (A Configuration Manager site system role that manages enrollment requests from mobile devices so that they can be managed by Configuration Manager)
KDC proxy serviceservice proxy KDC (A service that runs on corporate network edge servers to proxy Kerberos protocol messages to domain controllers which are situated on the corporate network. This permits Kerberos authentication to edge services such as Remote Desktop Services Gateway or DirectAccess Server)
Key Distribution Center proxy serviceservice proxy Centre de distribution de clés (A service that runs on corporate network edge servers to proxy Kerberos protocol messages to domain controllers which are situated on the corporate network. This permits Kerberos authentication to edge services such as Remote Desktop Services Gateway or DirectAccess Server)
proxy accountcompte proxy (An account that is used to provide additional permissions for certain actions to users which do not have these permissions but have to execute these actions)
proxy addressadresse proxy (The address by which a Exchange Server recipient object is recognized in a foreign messaging system. In Outlook Live, proxy addresses let people receive e-mail that is sent to different e-mail addresses)
proxy authenticationauthentification du mandataire (An authentication method that uses a proxy server)
proxy authenticationAuthentification du proxy (An authentication method that uses a proxy server)
proxy codecode proxy (Code generated by .NET that creates the infrastructure a client can use to call a Web service)
proxy endpointpoint de terminaison proxy (An endpoint that represents a connection point for an application system. Proxy endpoints provide access to or from members of the system from outside the system. A proxy endpoint delegates its behavior to an endpoint on a member of the system)
proxy management pointpoint de gestion proxy (A secondary SMS/Configuration Manager site management point that services the Advanced Clients that are within its boundaries. Advanced Clients can use the proxy management point to request policy, upload inventory data, request package source location, and upload status messages)
proxy serverserveur proxy (A server located on a network between client software, such as a Web browser, and another server. It intercepts all requests to the server to determine whether it can fulfill them itself. If not, it forwards the request to another server)
Trojan proxy servercheval de Troie proxy (A proxy server installed by a Trojan on a machine providing what appears to be an uninterrupted Internet connection while allowing unauthorized access to an affected machine)
Web Proxy AutoDiscoveryprotocole WPAD (A standard networking protocol used to help Internet client software automatically locate and interface with cache services within a network)
Winsock proxy clientclient du proxy WinSock (Software that allows Windows-based programs to use networking protocols such as TCP/IP)