
Terms for subject Microsoft containing panel | all forms | exact matches only
acrylic end panelpanneau d'extrémité en acrylique (The end panel of a Surface commercial unit that is covered with a colored acrylic finish. In contrast, developer units have metal end panels)
acrylic side panelpanneau latéral en acrylique (The side panel of a Surface commercial unit that is covered with a colored acrylic finish. In contrast, developer units have metal side panels)
Application Flow panelpanneau Flux d'application (A panel that displays the application flow of a prototype project)
canvas panelpanneau canevas (A basic layout panel that supports absolute positioning and does not apply any layout policy (for example, auto sizing) to its child elements - it is literally a blank canvas)
Control PanelPanneau de configuration (A Windows program that collects and displays for users the system-level features of the computer, including hardware and software setup and configuration. From Control Panel, users can click individual items to configure system-level features and perform related tasks)
Control Panel HomePage d'accueil du Panneau de configuration (The main Control Panel window)
Custom Panel panevolet personnalisé (A client element that displays optional streaming media feeds to presenters and attendees)
dock panelpanneau d'ancrage (A layout container that arranges its child elements around the edge of the screen based on compass direction: North, South, East, and West)
Document Information Panelpanneau Informations sur le document (A pane that displays document property information for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in a WSS library. The pane is displayed below the ribbon and is actually a hosted custom InfoPath form. Information is synced automatically between the document and the WSS library)
end panelpanneau d'extrémité (The panel that covers a short side of a central processing unit or Surface unit)
Exchange Control PanelPanneau de configuration Exchange (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
grid panelpanneau grille (A layout container that arranges its child elements in rows and columns that form a grid)
handwriting panelvolet d'écriture manuscrite (The input panel where users can input text through handwriting. The system converts the handwriting to text that users can insert into the active text area)
Input PanelPanneau de saisie (A Tablet PC accessory that enables you to use handwriting, speech, or an on-screen keyboard to enter text, symbols, numbers, or keyboard shortcuts. You can use it to interact with any Windows-based program)
input panelpanneau de saisie (A software accessory that enables you to use a variety of direct input methods (such as handwriting, speech, touch, stylus, gestures, and so on) to interact with Windows-based programs. An input panel can include a writing pad and a character pad to convert handwriting into typed text or mathematical equations, and an on-screen keyboard to enter individual characters)
layout panelpanneau de disposition (A panel that controls the positioning, size and dimensions, and arrangement of other elements contained within them. Layout panels are adaptive in the sense that they can be implemented implicitly, meaning the layout automatically resizes, or auto-sizes, according to the window size)
Math Ink PanelPanneau de tracé mathématique (The ActiveX control of the Math Input Panel and Math Input Control that handles inking, recognizer calls, and correction experience)
Math Input PanelPanneau de saisie mathématique (A Windows accessory that enables handwritten input of math expressions as well as easy-to-use correction of recognition results. Its functionality is analogous to that of Tablet Input Panel)
Math Result PanelPanneau de résultats mathématiques (The ActiveX control of the Math Input Panel and Math Input Control in charge of displaying handwriting recognition result in real time, the recognizer state, error messages and hints)
Meeting Information panelpanneau Informations sur la réunion (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Web address and audio conference line (if specified) for a Live Meeting session)
Microsoft Lync Server Control PanelPanneau de configuration Microsoft Lync Server 2010 (A web-based server management user interface that administrators can use to manage their Lync Server systems from anywhere on the corporate network, without requiring specialized management software installed on their computers)
Presentation panelpanneau Présentation (The Live Meeting console element that displays the slides in a Live Meeting presentation)
Properties panelpanneau Propriétés (A dockable window that displays the properties that are set on the selected object. In most cases, the property values can be edited in the window)
Seating Chart panelpanneau Plan de salle (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Seating Chart for a Live Meeting session)
side panelpanneau latéral (The panel that covers a long side of a central processing unit or Surface unit)
SketchFlow Map panelpanneau Carte SketchFlow (A panel that displays the application flow of a prototype project)
software input panelpanneau de saisie (A software accessory that enables you to use a variety of direct input methods (such as handwriting, speech, touch, stylus, gestures, and so on) to interact with Windows-based programs. An input panel can include a writing pad and a character pad to convert handwriting into typed text or mathematical equations, and an on-screen keyboard to enter individual characters)
stack panelpanneau d'empilement (A layout container that arranges its child elements in a single vertical or horizontal row)
Tablet PC Input PanelPanneau de saisie Tablet PC (A Tablet PC accessory that enables you to use handwriting, speech, or an on-screen keyboard to enter text, symbols, numbers, or keyboard shortcuts. You can use it to interact with any Windows-based program)
Tablet PC Input Panel iconicône Panneau de saisie Tablet PC (The icon that you tap to open Tablet PC Input Panel. The icon appears in the taskbar. It also appears next to a text entry area when Input Panel is undocked)
task input panelpanneau de saisie des tâches (" A small space on the To-Do Bar where the user can input tasks directly. The default label reads "Type a new task".")
Triggers panelpanneau Déclencheurs (A user interface that provides a way to configure the behavior of an object by configuring property changes to occur or animation timelines to run when an event is raised by the object, for example, the Click event for a button)
wrap panelpanneau d'agencement (A layout container that arranges its child elements in a single vertical or horizontal row, creating a new row if needed to display the overflow from the previous row)