
Terms containing land register | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
lawcancellation of an entry in the land registerradiation d'une inscription au registre foncier
lawcaution in the land registerprénotation au registre foncier
lawcaution in the land registerprénotation au livre foncier
lawentries in land registerstranscriptions sur les registres fonciers
bank.entry in the land registerinscription au livre foncier
bank.entry in the land registerenregistrement au livre foncier
lawextract of land tax registerextrait du registre des biens-fonds
lawextract of land tax registerextrait de la matrice cadastrale
law, busin., labor.org.folio of a land registerfolio d'un livre foncier
environ.land and property register The system of registering certain legal estates or interests in land. It describes the land and any additional rights incidental to it, such as rights of way over adjoining landcadastre
environ.land and property registercadastre
econ.land charge registercadastre
law, agric.land charge registerlivre foncier
law, agric.land charge registerregistre foncier
law, agric.land charge registerfichier immobilier
lawland charges registerregistre des hypothèques
patents.land registerregistre terrien
patents.land registerregistre du cadastre
law, agric.land registerfichier immobilier
environ.land register A register or survey of land, containing information on the surface of properties, tenants' names, commencing with the earliest owners through successive ownership and partitions, and such likecadastre
econ.land registercadastre
law, agric.land registerlivre foncier
law, agric.land registerregistre foncier
patents.land registerregistre de publicité foncière
gen.land registerplan cadastral
bank.land register extractextrait du livre foncier
bank.land register extractextrait du registre foncier
gen.Land Register Information for Europe ProjectProjet LINE
lawland registers and land charges registersregistres fonciers ou hypothécaires
law, life.sc.land-register numberréférence cadastrale
construct.land-registry, land registercadastre
law, life.sc.legal force of the land registerforce probante du registre foncier
law, life.sc.legal force of the land registerfoi publique du registre foncier
bank.register of land titleslivre foncier
bank.register of land titlesregistre foncier
law, life.sc.register of land-parcelsregistre officiel des immeubles
bank.registration in the land registerenregistrement au livre foncier
lawregistration in the Land Registerinscription au livre foncier
agric.viticultural land registercasier viticole
med.viticultural land registercadastre viticole