
Terms for subject Microsoft containing interval | all forms | exact matches only
cache intervalintervalle de cache (The length of time that a stored copy of the views that are shown in a dashboard can exist on the server)
exclusion intervalintervalle d'exclusion (The amount of time that an unresponsive or malfunctioning component remains marked as unavailable. During this time, no requests are sent from the client to the excluded component)
expire intervalintervalle d'expiration (For DNS, the number of seconds that DNS servers operating as secondary masters for a zone will use to determine if zone data should be expired when the zone is not refreshed and renewed)
garbage collection intervalintervalle de Garbage Collection (A measurement of time indicating how often a domain controller examines its database for expired tombstones that can be collected)
garbage collection intervalintervalle de nettoyage de la mémoire (A measurement of time indicating how often a domain controller examines its database for expired tombstones that can be collected)
heartbeat intervalintervalle d'interrogation (The amount of time that can elapse before the Exchange server asks a mobile device running Exchange ActiveSync to connect again)
interval eventévénement intervalle (An event whose payload is valid for a given period of time. The metadata of the interval event requires that both the start and end time of the interval be provided in the event metadata. Interval events are valid only for this specific interval)
interval event modelmodèle d'événement intervalle (The event model of an interval event)
recovery intervalintervalle de récupération (The maximum amount of time that the Database Engine should require to recover a database)
refresh intervalintervalle d'actualisation (An interval of time used by of a zone to determine how often to check if their zone data needs to be refreshed. When the refresh interval expires, the secondary master checks with its source for the zone to see if its zone data is still current or if it needs to be updated using a zone transfer. This interval is set in the SOA (start-of-authority) resource record for each zone)
retry intervalintervalle avant nouvelle tentative (The time, in seconds after the refresh interval expires, used by secondary masters of a zone to determine how often to try and retry contacting its source for zone data to see if its replicated zone data needs to be refreshed. This interval is set in the for each zone)
sampling intervalintervalle d'échantillonnage (The period of time during which a monitoring tool collects data)
scan intervalintervalle de balayage (For Process Control, the time between successive checks for new processes started on the server. You can configure this in the Process Control snap-in)
tarpitting interval The interval that is used to delay a response in a tarpitting scenariointervalle de répulsion des courriers indésirables (tarpitting)
time intervalintervalle de temps (A period of time in which a given event is valid. The valid time interval includes the valid start time, and all moments of time up to, but not including the valid end time)
window intervalintervalle d'affichage (The length of time during which a pre-configured number of similar events are written to Planning Server log files, when filtering is enabled)