
Terms for subject Environment containing fishes | all forms
African blind barb fishpoisson cavernicole d'Afrique (Caecobarbus geertsi)
African blind barb fishbarbu aveugle (Caecobarbus geertsi)
Agreement on Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish SpeciesAccord des Nations Unies sur les stocks chevauchants et les poissons grands migrateurs
bio-concentration factor in fishfacteur de bioconcentration chez les poissons
coastal fishing Fishing in an area of the sea next to the shorelinepêche côtière
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of: - fresh waters / fish lifeComité pour l'adaptation au progrès technique et scientifique - eaux douces / poissons
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of: - fresh waters / fish lifeComité pour l'adaptation au progrès technique et scientifique de la directive relative à la qualité des eaux douces ayant besoin d'être protégées ou améliorées pour être aptes à la vie des poissons
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish lifeComité pour l'adaptation au progrès technique et scientifique de la directive relative à la qualité des eaux douces ayant besoin d'être protégées ou améliorées pour être aptes à la vie des poissons
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish lifeComité pour l'adaptation au progrès technique et scientifique - eaux douces / poissons
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Quality of Fresh Waters Suitable to Support Fish LifeComité pour l'adaptation au progrès scientifique et technique des directives visant la qualité des eaux douces pour être aptes à la vie des poissons
deep sea fishing Fishing in the deepest parts of the seapêche en haute mer
drift net fishing The use of fishing nets of great length and depth, aptly described as "walls of death" because of the huge numbers of marine mammals, birds, and turtles that became ensnared in them. The Tarawa Declaration of 1989 formulated at the 20th South Pacific Forum, aimed at banning drift netting in the South Pacific. In June 1992 the UN banned drift netting in all the world's oceanspêche aux filets dérivants
environmental impact of fishingimpact, effet de la pêche sur l'environnement
European Campaign for the Conservation of Freshwater FishCampagne européenne pour la sauvegarde des poissons d'eau douce
European Campaign for the protection of Freshwater Fish and their Habitats "Like a Fish in Water"Campagne européenne pour la sauvegarde des poissons d'eau douce et de leurs biotopes "Comme un poisson dans l'eau"
feral fishpoisson sauvage
fish-breeding waterseaux piscicoles
fish diseasemaladie ichtyologique
fish farmferme piscicole
fish farmétablissement de pisciculture
fish farmexploitation piscicole
fish faunafaune piscicole
fish kill Fish diseases observed in the past three decades and which have been attributed to pollution include: haemorrhages; tumours; fin rot; deformed fins; and missing scales and tails. In industrialized countries, increasing numbers of fish are deemed inedible. Many small kills are not noticed or are not reported, and large kills are often not included because of insufficient information to determine whether the kills were caused by pollution or by natural factors. Low dissolved oxygen levels resulting from excessive sewage is one of the leading causes. The second most common cause is pesticidesdestruction des poissons
fish killdestruction des poissons
fish populationpopulation halieutique
fish refugesanctuaire ichtyologique
fish refugerefuge ichtyologique
fish resourcesressource piscicole
fish stockstock de poisson
fish stockstock, peuplement de poissons
fish stock Quantity of fish held for future usestock de poisson
fish toxicitytoxicité des poissons
fishing industry Industry for the handling, processing, and packing of fish or shellfish for market or shipmentindustrie de la pêche
fishing lawloi sur la pêche
fishing law Rules concerning fishing activities; in international law the matter is ruled by the 1958 Geneva Conventionloi sur la pêche
fishing licence Official permission granted to individuals or commercial enterprises allowing and regulating by time, location, species, size or amount the fish that can be caught from rivers, lakes or ocean waters within a particular jurisdictionpermis de pêche
fishing preserve Limited portion of a water body where angling is allowedréserve de pêche
golden dragon fishsclérophage d'Asie (Scleropages formosus)
harvest of fishprise de pêche
International Code of Conduct for Responsible FishingCode de conduite international pour une pêche responsable
migratory fishpoisson migrateur
migratory fish Fishes that migrate in a body, often between breeding places and winter feeding groundspoisson migrateur
national fishing reserveréserve nationale de pêche
national fishing reserve Limited portion of a water body belonging to the State where angling is allowedréserve nationale de pêche
open sea fishingpêche en haute mer
open sea fishingpêche hauturière
open sea fishing Fishing in the deepest parts of the seapêche en haute mer
perch-like fishperciformes (Perciformes)
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and management of straddling stocks fish which are found both inside and outside exclusive economic zones and highly migratory fish stocksles dispositions de la convention des Nations unies sur le droit de la mer du 10 décembre 1982 relatives à la conservation et à la gestion des stocks de poissons dont les déplacements s'effectuent tant à l'intérieur qu'au-delà des zones économiques exclusivesstocks chevauchantset des stocks de poissons grands migrateurs
United Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksAccord des Nations Unies sur les stocks chevauchants et les poissons grands migrateurs
United Nations Convention on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksAccord des Nations Unies sur les stocks chevauchants et les poissons grands migrateurs
wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishingdéchets provenant de la production primaire
wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origindéchets provenant de la préparation et de la transformation de la viande, des poissons et autres aliments d'origine animale
wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origindéchets provenant de la préparation et de la transformation de la viande,des poissons et autres aliments d'orgine animale
World Fish CenterCentre international d'aménagement des ressources bioaquatiques