
Terms containing adjustment period | all forms | in specified order only
agric., food.ind.adjustment periodpériode d'adaptation
tax., econ.adjustment periodpériode de régularisation
agric., forestr.adjustment periodpériode d'égalisation
account.back period adjustmentpratiques et procédures de régularisation de la période antérieure
account.end-of-period adjustmentrégularisation en fin d'exercice
gen.period of adjustmentpériode de régularisation
gen.period of adjustmentpériode d'ajustement
ed.period of supervised practice for the purpose of qualification adjustmentstage d'adaptation
comp., MSprior period adjustmentredressements affectés aux exercices antérieurs (An adjustment made in the current fiscal period that corrects an error in accounting for an economic event that occurred in a prior fiscal period)
comp., MSprior period adjustmentproduits et charges sur exercices antérieurs (An adjustment made in the current fiscal period that corrects an error in accounting for an economic event that occurred in a prior fiscal period)