
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Stand-Alone | all forms | in specified order only
stand-alone CAAC autonome (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
stand-alone certification authorityautorité de certification autonome (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
stand-alone drive librarylibrairie sur disque autonome (A single-drive, non-automated unit, such as a tape drive or CD-ROM drive, that holds a single tape or disc. With this type of library, the user manually inserts a tape or disc into the drives)
stand-alone rootracine autonome (A DFS namespace, the configuration information for which is stored locally on the host server. The path to access the root or a link starts with the host server name. A stand-alone root has only one root target. There is no root-level fault tolerance. Therefore, when the root target is unavailable, the entire DFS namespace is inaccessible)
stand-alone sitesite autonome (A Configuration Manager primary site with no parent sites and no child sites)
stand-alone tape drivelecteur de bande autonome (A single-drive, non-automated tape drive that holds a single tape)