
Terms for subject General containing Lawyers | all forms | exact matches only
a wise lawyerun homme de loi prudent
officially appointed lawyeravocat commis d'office
appointment of a lawyerconstitution d'un avoué
Basic Principles on the Role of LawyersPrincipes de base relatifs au rôle du barreau
briefing of a lawyerconstitution d'un avoué
business lawyeravocat d'affaires
company lawyerjuriste d'entreprise
criminal lawyeravocat au criminel
he claims to be a lawyeril se prétend avocat
he contacted another lawyer who also refused to defend himil avait contacté un deuxième avocat, lequel avocat avait également refusé de le défendre
Head of Lawyer-Linguists Groupchef de groupe des juristes-linguistes
he'd like to be a lawyer, but he's not going about it the right wayil voudrait devenir avocat, mais il n'en prend pas le chemin
her father wanted her to become a lawyerson père la destinait au notariat
he's the only lawyer she will acceptelle ne veut que lui pour avocat
he's the Taylors' lawyerc'est lui qui plaide pour les Taylor
I asked my lawyerje me suis informé auprès de mon avocat
I refuse to talk unless my lawyer is presentje ne parlerai qu'en présence de mon avocat
lawyers' cantle jargon judiciaire
my lawyer will prove my innocencemon avocat fera la preuve de mon innocence
my lawyer will prove that I'm innocentmon avocat fera la preuve de mon innocence
Netherlands Society of Company LawyersSociété néerlandaise des Conseillers juridiques d'entreprise
roll of lawyerstableau des avocats
she won't have any lawyer but himelle ne veut que lui pour avocat
the lawyer asked for the trial to be postponedl'avocat a fait ajourner le procès
the lawyer requested a postponement of the triall'avocat a fait ajourner le procès
the lawyers' benchle banc des avocats