
Terms containing testing | all forms | exact matches only
stat.accelerated life testing가속수명검정
math.accelerated life testing가속수명검정검증
comp., MSacceptance testing수용 테스트 (Formal testing conducted to enable a user, customer, or other authorized entity to determine whether to accept a product or product component)
ITblack box testing블랙 박스 테스팅
ITcapacity stress testing용량 스트레스 테스팅
ITCompletely Automated Public Touring test to tell Computers and Humans Apart자동계정생성방지기술캡차,CAPTCHA
ITcompliance testing준거성 테스트
comp., MScomputer-aided testing컴퓨터 보조 테스팅 (A procedure used by engineers for checking or analyzing designs, especially those created with CAD programs. Computer-aided testing is also used by software developers for automated regression testing)
stat.D'Agostino's testD'Agostino 검정
math.D'Agostino's testD'Agostino 검정검증
stat.Daniel's testDaniels검정
math.Daniel's testDaniels검정검증
math.David's empty cell testDavid's 빈칸 검정
math.equivalence testing동등 검정
comp., MSexploratory testing예비 테스트 (The testing of an application without a set of tests defined in advance)
comp., MSfuzz testing퍼지 테스트 (A testing process that supplies structured but invalid input to software application programming interfaces (APIs) and network interfaces to maximize the likelihood of detecting errors that might lead to software vulnerabilities)
math.group testing그룹 검정
math.Hollander's bivariate symmetry test홀랜더의 이변량 대칭성 검정
stat.Hollander's parallelism test홀랜더의 평행성검정
math.Hollander's parallelism test홀랜더의 평행성검정검증
math.honestly significant difference test튜키 통계량
math.hypothesis testing가설검정검증
ITincremental testing증분 테스팅
ITinterface testing인터페이스 테스팅
comp., MSload testing부하 테스트 (Testing at or beyond the limits of a specified requirement to understand its behavior and failure trigger points)
stat.Neyman's ψ² test네이만 싸이제곱 검정
ITOpen Source Security Testing Methodology공개소스 보안 테스트 방법론 (OSSTM)
ITparallel testing병행 o r r e 테스팅
ITpenetration testing침투 테스트
ITperformance testing성능 테스트
ITrecovery testing복구 테스팅
ITregression testing회귀 테스팅
ITsecurity testing보안 테스트
stat.sequential T² test순차T제곱검정
ITsubstantive testing실증 테스팅
ITsystem testing시스템 테스팅
stat.testing of hypothesis가설검정
math.testing of hypothesis가설검정검증
math.testing the constancy of regression relationships over time시간에 따른 회귀관계의 상수성 검정
stat.UN² testUN² 검정
ITunit testing단위 테스팅
stat.Watson's UN² test IWatson's UN² 검정1
math.Watson's UNup 2 test IWatson's UN² 검정1
stat.Watson's UN² test IIWatson's UN² 검정2
math.Watson's UNup 2 test IIWatson's UN² 검정2
ITwhite box testing화이트 박스 테스팅