
Terms for subject Environment containing remote- sensing | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
mobile laboratory for remote sensing of air pollutionκινητό εργαστήριο για την τηλεανίχνευση ατμοσφαιρικών ρυπαντών
remote sensing 1. The scientific detection, recognition, inventory and analysis of land and water area by the use of distant sensors or recording devices such as photography, thermal scanners, radar, etc. 2. Complex of techniques for the remote measure of electromagnetic energy emitted by objectsτηλεανίχνευση
remote sensing centreκέντρο τηλεανίχνευσης
remote sensing centre Centre where remote sensing data are stored, handled and analyzedκέντρο τηλεανίχνευσης
remote sensing methodμέθοδος τηλεανίχνευσης