
Terms for subject Biology containing yellow | all forms | exact matches only
albizzia yellow butterflyTerias hecabe L.
annual yellow sweet cloverMelilotus arvensis Wallr.
annual yellow sweet cloverMelilotus indicus Desr.
barley yellow leaf spotPyrenophora trichostoma Fr. Fuckel
barley yellow leaf-miner flyCerodonta denticornis Panzer
barley yellow leafminer flyCerodontha denticornis Panzer
bean yellow mosaic virusBean virus 2 (Pierce)
bean yellow mosaic virusPhaseolus virus 2 (Smith)
beet yellow virusJaunisse virus (Ro land)
beet yellow virusCorium batae (Holmes)
black-tipped yellowEurema laeta bethesba Janson
cabbage yellowFusarium conglutinans Wollenw Snyder et Hanson
cabbage yellowFusarium oxysporum Sch. ex Fr.
common yellow daylilyHemerocallis flava L.
common yellow swallow-tail butterflyPapilio machaon Linnaeus
creeping yellow-cressNasturtium silvestre R. Br.
creeping yellow-cressRorippa silvestris L. Bess.
date palm yellow miteParatetranychus afrasiaticus McGregor
dilute yellow crotalariaCrotalaria albida Heyne
dwarf yellow daylilyHemerocallis minor Mill.
Florida yellow pinePinus palustris Mill.
flute-holing yellow-headed borerNecnitocris princeps Jordan
Georgia yellow pinePinus palustris Mill.
greater yellow rattleRhinanthus major Ehrh.
greenish yellow-brown hawk mothClanis bilineata Walker
greyish yellow- hind winged noctuidTriphaena semiherbida Walker
Indian yellow flaxReinwardtia trigyna Roxb. Planch.
Indian yellow flaxReinwardtia Dum.
jacquin's yellow -flowered monkshoodCrinum longifolium Thunb.
large yellow croakerPseudosciaena crocea (Richardson)
large yellow dragon-flyTramea virginia Rambur
large yellow ladyslipperCypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens
large yellow underwing mothAgrotis pronuba L.
larger yellow antAcanthomyops interjectus Mayr
late yellow daylilyHemerocallis thunbergii Baker
lesser yellow rattleRhinanthus miner Ehrh.
long yellow daylilyHemerocallis citrina Baroni
loranthus yellow butterflyThyca
loranthus yellow butterflyDelias belisama Cramer
mountain spotted yellowColias palocnoaias Fruhstorfer.
mulberry yellow-tail mothPorthesia xanthocampa Dyar
oriental clouded yellow butterflyColiaserate poliographus Motsch.
peach yellowsPrunus virus I K. M. Smith
peach yellows virusPeach virus 1 J. Johnson
peach yellows virusPrunus virus 1 Smith
pear yellow aphidAnuraphis piricola Okamoto et Takahashi
pine yellow-spotted weevilPissodes nitidus Roelofs
potato yellow dwarf virusAureogenus vastans (Holmes)
potato yellow dwarf virusMarmor vastans (Holmes)
rice yellow dwarf diseaseMycoplasma sp.
rust of yellow trefoilUromyces striatus Schroet.
Sakhalin fir yellow spotted weevilPissodes cembrae Motschulsky
shinyleaf yellow hornXanthoceras sorbifolia Bge.
shrub yellow-rootXanthorhiza simplicissima Marsh.
shrub yellow-rootXanthorhiza Marsh
six-yellow-spotted leaf beetleGalerucida lewisi Jacoby.
small yellow croakerPseudosiaena polyactis Bleeker
small yellow daylilyHemerocallis minor Mill.
small yellow-hindwinged catocalaCatocala agitatrix Graeser
smaller yellow antAcanthomypos claviger (Roger)
spotted yellow tussock mothEuproctis flaiva (Bremer)
strawberry yellow edgeFragaria virus 1
strawberry yellow edge virusFragaria virus 1
tall yellow day-lilyHemerocallis flava L.
top yellows of peaFasarium pisi
turnip yellow mosaic virusBrassicavirus octahedron (Roland)
western yellow striped armywormProdenia praefica (Grote.)
Wilson yellow woodCladrastis wilsonii Takeda
Wilson yellow woodCladrastis Raf.
yellow aizoon saxifrageSaxifraga aizoon var. lutea Hort.
yellow alfalfaMedicago falcata L.
yellow alstroemeriaAlstroemeria aurantiaca D. Don.
yellow ball cactusNotocactus graesneri sp.
yellow bambooPhyllostachys aurea Carr. ex C. Riviere
yellow-barkedoakQuercus velutina
yellow bean mosaic virusPhaseolus virus 2
yellow bedstrawGalium verum L.
yellow berryRubus chamaemorus L.
yellow boletusBoletus luteus L. Fr.
yellow bract pachystachysPachystachys lutea sp.
yellow brown stink-bugHalyomorpha picus Fabricius
yellow brown sweet potato beetleLaccoptera quadrimaculata bohemani Weise
yellow buckeyeAesculus octandra Marsh.
yellow bumblebeeBombus distinguendus Linnaeus
yellow bunny earsOpuntia microdasys Pteiffer.
yellow butterflyEurema hecabe Linnaeus
yellow butterfly palmChrysalidocarpus lutescens H. Wendl.
yellow cabbage sawflyAthalia lugens var. tibialis Cam.
yellow camomileAnthemis tinctoria L.
yellow cedarChamaecyparis nootkatensis Spach.
yellow centauryChlor a L.
yellow centauryBlakstonia Huds.
yellow Chinese poppyMeconopsis integrifolia Maxim. Fr.
yellow Chinese poppyMeconopsis Vig.
yellow citrus antOecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius)
yellow citrus antOecophyla smaragdina Fabricius
yellow cleomeCleome lutea Hook.
yellow clover aphidTherioaphis trifolii (Monell)
yellow columbineAquilegia chrysantha Gray
yellow cone plantConophytam auriflorum sp.
yellow cone plantConophytam spp.
yellow corydalisCorydalis lutea DC.
yellow cosmosCosmos sulphureus Cav.
yellow cotton mothAnomis flava (Fabricius)
yellow cotton mothAnomis xanthydima Boisduval
yellow crepisCrepis aurea sp.
yellow cutwormAgrotis segetum Schiffermüller
yellow cyperusCyperus iria L.
yellow cyrtanthusCyrtanthus ochroleucus Burch.
yellow disease of hyacinthXanthomonas hycinthi Wakk. Dowson
yellow dockRumex crispus L.
yellow double banksianRosa banksiae var. lutea Lindl.
yellow dwarf of onionAllium virus 1
yellow dwarf of soybeanHeterodera glycines lchinohe
yellow elderTecoma stans Juss.
yellow elderTecoma Juss.
yellow elm leaf-beetleGalerucella maculicollis Matschusky
yellow European lady-slipperCypripedium calceolus var. pubescens Corre
yellow-eyegrassXyris indica L.
yellow-eyegrassXyris L.
yellow-eyegrass familyXyridaceae
yellow-fever mosquitoAedes aegypti (L.)
yellow fever mosquitoAedes aegypti L.
yellow field cressRoripa sylvestris Bess.
yellow flagIris pseudocorus L.
yellow flaxReinwardtia trigyna Roxb.
yellow flaxReinwardtia Dumort.
yellow-flower incavilleaIncarvillea lutea Bur. et Franch.
yellow-flower sisymbriumHesperis lutea Maxim.
yellow-flowered gourdCucurbita pepo var. ovifera Alef.
yellow-flowered meadow-rueThalictrum flavum L.
yellow foxtailPanicum lutescens Weigel.
yellow foxtailSetaria glauca Beauv.
yellow fringe orchidHabenaria ciliaris R.Br.
yellow fritillaryFritillaria pudica Spreng.
yellow galiumGalium verum L.
yellow gentianGentiana lutea L.
yellow goats-beardTragopogon pratensis L.
yellow-granadillaPassiflora laurifolia Lill.
yellow granadillaPassiflora laurifolia Lill.
yellow-green agaveAgave americana var. varigata Hort.
yellow-green century plant agaveAgave americana var. varigata Hort.
yellow-hairy actinidiaActinidia fulvicoma Hance
yellow-headed cutwormApamea amputatrix Fitch.
yellow-headed firewormAcleris minuta (Robinson)
yellow-headed leafhopperCarneocephala flaviceps (Riley)
yellow headed moth borerDiatraea centrella Möschler
yellow honeysuckleLonicera flava Sims.
yellow-hornXanthocera sorbifolia Bunge
yellow-hornXanthocera Bunge
yellow hornpoppyGlaucium flavum Grantz
yellow Indian-grassSorghastrum nutans L.
yellow irisIris pseudocorus L.
yellow jacketVespidae
yellow-jacketMacrovespa mandarina Smith
yellow jacketsVespidae (复)
yellow Japanese scaleAonidiella citrinus Coq.
yellow kangaroo-pawAnigozanthus viridis sp.
yellow-legged lemaLema tristis Herbst.
yellow lily-of-the-incasAlstroemeria L.
yellow lily-of-the-incasAlstroemeria aurantiaca D. Don
yellow locustRobinia pseudoacacia L.
yellow locustMelanoplus differentialis (Thomas)
yellow lupineLupinus luteus L.
yellow-margined leaf beetleMicrotheca ochroloma Stál
yellow margueriteAnthemis tinctoria L.
yellow-marked blue leaf beetleDactylispa angulosa Solsky
yellow mealwormTenebrio molitor Linnaeus
yellow mignonetteReseda lutea L.
yellow miteHemitarsomus latus Banks
yellow mombinSpondias mombin axillaris Burbt et Flill
yellow moraeaMoraea bicolor Spae
yellow mosaic of barleyBarley yellow mosaic virus
yellow mosaic of beanPhaseolus virus 2
yellow mosaic of wheatWheat yellow mosaic virus
yellow mulberry longicornOberea fuscipennis Chevrolat
yellow muscardineIsaria farinosa
yellow-necked caterpillarDatana ministra Drury
yellow oakQuercus velutina Lam.
yellow oat-grassTrisetum flavescens L. P. B.
yellow oleanderThevetia peruviana Pers. K. Schum.
yellow oleanderThevetia Adans.
yellow ox-eye daisyChrysanthemum segtum L.
yellow oxeye-daisyChrysanthemum segetum L.
yellow partillaMenispermum canadense L.
yellow-patched swallowtailPapilio helenus nicconicoleus Butler
yellow pholitaPholita Flammans Quel.
yellow plant bugTygus kalmi Linne
yellow pond-lilyNuphar pumilum Hoffm.DC.
yellow pond-lilyNuphar pumilum Hoffm. DC.
yellow pond-lilyNuphar Sm.
yellow poplarLiriodendron tulipifera L.
yellow puccoonHydrastis eanadensis L.
yellow pygmy waterlilyNymphaea tetragona var. helvola Hort.
yellow rapeBrassica campestris L.
yellow raspberry capRubus elliptica Smith
yellow rice borerTryporyza
yellow rice borerScirpophaga incertulas (Walker)
yellow rice bugEuryaspis flavescens Distant
yellow rice leaf minerOscinis oryzella (Matsumura)
yellow rocketBarbarea vulgaris R.Br.
yellow rootZanthorrhiza Marsh.
yellow rootXanthorrhiza L'Herit.
yellow rose aphidAcyrthosiphon porosum Sanderson
yellow rust of cerealsPuccinia striiformis West.
yellow rust of wheatPuccinia striiformis West.
yellow sageVerbena canadensis Britt.
yellow sageLantana camara L.
yellow sageLantana L.
yellow sandalwoodSantalum album L.
yellow scaleAonidiella citrina (Coq.)
yellow scaleAspidiotus citrinus Coq.
yellow scaleChrysomphalus aurantii var. citrinus (Coq.)
yellow seven-spotted lady beetleCoccinella septempunctata bruckii Milsant
yellow-shoulder bugNezara viridula torquata Fabricius
yellow skunk-cabbageLysichiton kamtschatense Schott.
yellow spider miteEotetranychus carpini borealis (Ewing)
yellow spider-flowerCleome lutea Hook.
yellow-spined bamboo locustCeracris kiangsu Tsai
yellow spines haageocereusHaageocereus acranthus sp.
yellow spines haageocereusHaageocereus spp.
yellow-spotted longicorn beetlePsacothea hilaris (Pascoe)
yellow-spotted small noctuidErastria trabealis (Scopoli)
yellow-striped armywormSpodoptera ornithogalli (Guenee)
yellow stunt of oatsAvena virus 1
yellow sugarcane aphidSipha flava (Forbes)
yellow swallowtail butterflyPapilio machaon Linnaeus
yellow sweet cloverMelilotus arvensis Wallr.
yellow sweet cloverMelilotus officinalisL. Desr.
yellow sweetcloverMelilotus officinalis L. Pall.
yellow-tailSriola aureovittata Temminck et Schlegel
yellow tail mothNygmia phaeorrhoea Donov.
yellow thorax termiteReticulitermes flavipes (Kollar)
yellow tip ped pyralidScirpophaga auriflua Zeller
yellow tip ped pyralidScirpophaga nivella Fabricius
yellow-tipped bugHygia opaca Uhler
yellow-tipped lemaLema lewisi Baly
yellow-tipped melyridMalachius xantholoma Kirsenwetter
yellow-tipped prominentPhalera assimilis (Bremer et Gray)
yellow-tipped pyralidScirpophaga nivella Fabricius
yellow-tipped whiteEuchlora scolymus Butler
yellow toadflaxLinaria Mill.
yellow toadflaxLinaria vulgaris Mill.
yellow toadlilyTricyrtis nana Yatabe.
yellow trumpetTecoma stans Juss.
yellow trumpetTecoma Juss.
yellow unicorn-plantIbicella lutea Van Eseltine
yellow vetchlingLathyrus pratensis L.
yellow water lilyNuphar pumilum Hoffm. DC.
yellow wheat blossom midgeContarinia tritici (Kirby)
yellow wheat blossom midgeContarinia tritici Kirby
yellow woodsCladrastis lutea Michx.
yellow wood-waspSirex gigas
yellow woollybearDiacrisia virginica (Fabricius)
yellow wortChlor a L.
yellow wortBlakstonia Huds.
yellows of garden radishFusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl