
Terms for subject Mammals containing African | all forms | exact matches only
African and Arabian sheath-tailed batsColeura
African wild assEquus asinus
African big-eared foxOtocyon megalotis
African big-toothed miceUranomys
African big-toothed mouseUranomys ruddi
African black rhinocerosDiceros bicornis
African black rhinocerosesDiceros
African brush-tailed porcupineAtherurus africanus
African buffaloSyncerus caffer
African buffaloesSyncerus
African buffalosSyncerus
African bush squirrelsParaxerus
African cane ratsThryonomys
African cane ratsThryonomyidae
African civetCivettictis civetta
African clawless otterAonyx capensis
African climbing miceDendromus
African dormiceGraphiurus
African elephantLoxodonta africana
African elephantsLoxodonta
African false vampire batCardioderma cor
African false vampire batsCardioderma
African field ratArvicanthis niloticus
African field ratsArvicanthis
African flying squirrelsAnomaluridae
African forest mouseThamnomys venustus
African giant pouched ratsCricetomys
African giant ratCricetomys gambianus
African giant shrewCrocidura flavescens
African giant squirrelProtoxerus stangeri
African giant squirrelsProtoxerus
African golden catFelis aurata
African golden moleChrysochloris asiatica
African golden molesAmblysomus
African grass harePoelagus marjorita
African grass ratArvicanthis niloticus
African grass ratsArvicanthis
African groove-toothed ratsMylomys
African ground squirrelsXerus
African hunting dogLycaon pictus
African hunting dogsLycaon
African jumping haresPedetes
African jumping haresPedetidae
African linsangPoiana richardsoni
African linsangsPoiana
African long-tongued fruit batMegaloglossus woermanni
African long-tongued fruit batsMegaloglossus
African manateeTrichechus senegalensis
African marsh ratDasymys incomtus
African marsh ratsDasymys
African mole ratCryptomys hottentotus
African mole ratTachyoryctes splendens
African mole ratsBathyergidae
African mole ratsTachyoryctes
African mole ratsCryptomys
African mole ratsRhizomyidae
African mongooseHerpestes ichneumon
African mungosMungos
African palm civetNandinia binotata
African palm civetsNandinia
African palm squirrelsEpixerus
African polecatIctonyx striatus
African polecatsIctonyx
African pouched miceSaccostomus
African pouched mouseSaccostomus campestris
African pouched ratSaccostomus campestris
African pouched ratsSaccostomus
African pygmy squirrelMyosciurus pumilio
African pygmy squirrelsMyosciurus
African river hogPotamochoerus porcus
African river hogsPotamochoerus
African rock ratPetromus typicus
African sheath-tailed batsColeura afra
African sheath-tailed batsColeura
African small-clawed ottersParaonyx
African soft-furred ratsPraomys
African spiny miceAcomys
African spiny ratsThryonomys
African spiny ratsThryonomyidae
African spring haresPedetes
African spring haresPedetidae
African striped squirrelsFunisciurus
African striped weaselPoecilogale albinuchs
African striped weaselsPoecilogale
African swamp ratsMalacomys
African thicket ratsGrammomys
African tiger catFelis aurata
African tree pangolinManis tricuspis
African tree ratsColomys
African trident batsCoelops
African trident-nosed batCloeotis percivali
African trident-nosed batsCloeotis
African tropical savannah mongooseHelogale dybowskii
African water chevrotainHyemoschus aquaticus
African water hogPotamochoerus porcus
African water hogsPotamochoerus
African water ratDasymys incomtus
African water ratColomys goslingi
African water ratsDasymys
African water ratsColomys
African yellow house batScotophilus dinganii
African yellow-winged batLavia frons
African yellow-winged batsLavia
Asian and African false vampire batsMegaderma
Asian and African false vampiresMegaderma
Central African harePoelagus marjorita
common African dormouseGraphiurus murinus
dwarf African water shrewMicropotamogale
East African bush squirrelsParaxerus
East African gundiPectinator spekei
East African gundisPectinator
East African long-eared elephant shrewElephantulus rufescens
East African long-tailed pouched ratBeamys hindei
East African long-tailed pouched ratsBeamys
East African mole ratTachyoryctes splendens
East African mole ratsTachyoryctes
East African sheath-tailed batsColeura afra
East African trident BatCloeotis percivali
giant African water shrewPotamogale velox
giant African water shrewsPotamogale
large African pangolinManis gigantea
large North African gerbilGerbillus campestris
mantled African bush squirrelParaxerus palliatus
North African crested porcupineHystrix cristata
North African elephant shrewElephantulus rozeti
North African striped weaselPoecilictis libyca
North African striped weaselsPoecilictis
North African trident batsAsellia
small African flying squirrelsIdiurus
small African otter-shrewMicropotamogale ruwenzorii
small African water shrewsMicropotamogale
South African fur sealArctocephalus pusillus
South African ground squirrelXerus inauris
South African hedgehogErinaceus frontalis
South African porcupineHystrix africaeaustralis
South African pygmy gerbilGerbillurus paeba
West African brush-tailed porcupineAtherurus africanus
West African manateeTrichechus senegalensis
West African slit-faced batNycteris macrotis
West African sousaSotalia teuszi
West African sun squirrelHeliosciurus gambianus
West African water mongooseAtilax paludinosus
West African white southernSotalia teuszi