
Terms for subject Microsoft containing taxes | all forms
conditional sales taxsuoritusperusteinen vero (A sales tax that is reported to the tax authority when the invoice is paid, in contrast to normal sales tax, which is reported when the invoice is created)
destination-based sales taxkohteeseen perustuva arvonlisävero (A sales tax levied in some states in the United States on a product based on the destination in which the buyer takes ownership or receives the product)
federal tax IDliittovaltion verotustunnus (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
federal tax identification numberliittovaltion verotunnusnumero (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
Goods and Services Tax A value-added tax levied in some countries/regionsarvonlisävero (Goods and Services Tax, GST)
Harmonised Sales Tax A value-added tax (VAT) levied in some Canadian provinces that combines the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the provisional sales taxharmonisoitu arvonlisävero (Harmonized Sales Tax, HST)
item sales tax groupnimikkeen alv-ryhmä (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for an item. A sales tax group and an item sales tax group must be connected to each transaction that is subject to sales tax. Sales tax is calculated only for the sales tax codes that are included in both the sales tax group and the item sales tax group)
non-recoverable sales taxei-takaisinsaatava arvonlisävero (A sales tax levied on purchased products that is not deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party)
recoverable sales taxtakaisinsaatava arvonlisävero (A sales tax levied on purchased products that is deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party)
sales taxarvonlisävero (A tax levied on the sale of products)
sales tax bookarvonlisäverokirja (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
sales tax bookmyyntiverokirja (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
sales tax codearvonlisäverokoodi (A user-defined code that uniquely identifies a specific sales tax and defines its characteristics, such as the percentage or amount, tax authority, terms of payment, and ledger accounts used for posting)
sales tax exemptveroton (Pertaining to a sale or purchase transaction for which no sales tax is calculated)
sales tax grouparvonlisäveroryhmä (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for customers, vendors, projects, and ledger accounts)
sales tax jurisdictionarvonlisäveroviranomainen (A government unit or subdivision that imposes taxes within a state. A geographical area within a state can be taxed by several jurisdictions: town, county, and state)
sales tax jurisdictionmyyntiveroviranomainen (A government unit or subdivision that imposes taxes within a state. A geographical area within a state can be taxed by several jurisdictions: town, county, and state)
sales tax settlement periodarvonlisäveron tilityskausi (A division of the year when the business reports and pays collected sales tax to the tax authorities)
tax exempt numberALV-tunnus (An identification number that is issued by a tax authority to indicate that a company is not required to pay sales tax)
use taxYhdysvaltain käyttövero (An excise tax levied on products in the United States where a sales tax is not levied)
use taxkäyttövero (An excise tax levied on products in the United States where a sales tax is not levied)
value-added taxarvonlisävero (A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage)
withholding taxennakonpidätys (A tax levied by a government authority that is deducted from compensation)