
Terms containing repository | all forms | exact matches only
fin.Central Rating Repositorykeskustietokanta
fin.central repositorykeskustietokanta
comp., MSCIM Object Manager repositoryCIM-objektihallintasäilö (A central storage area, managed by the CIM Object Manager, where defined objects, such as static class definitions and instances that are used to access and manipulate system management information, are stored)
ITdata repositorytietovarasto
commun., ITknowledge repositorytietämysvarasto
ed.learning object repositorydigitaalisen oppimateriaalin tallennuspaikka
gen.online repository of certificatessähköinen todistushakemisto
environ., nucl.pow.radioactive waste repositoryloppusijoituslaitos
gen.Regulation EU No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositoriesEuroopan markkinarakenneasetus
ITsoftware repositoryohjelmistoarkisto
comp., MSsolution repositoryratkaisusäilö (A deployment-wide container of solutions that can be deployed in multiple organizations)
gen.the CSCE will be ready to act as a repository for negotiated arrangementsETYK on valmis toimimaan neuvoteltujen järjestelyjen tallettajana
fin.trade repositorykauppatietorekisteri