
Terms for subject Microsoft containing cache | all forms | exact matches only
Active Cacheaktiivinen välimuisti (A client-side cache and caching service that enables Project Pro to interact directly with the local cache on the machine rather than with the server, for opens and saves, and then handles moving any changes to the project plan between the client and Project Server)
ARP cacheARP-välimuisti (A table of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses and their corresponding media access control (MAC) address. There is a separate ARP cache for each interface)
assembly cachekokoonpanovälimuisti (A machine-wide code cache used for side-by-side storage of assemblies. There are two parts to the cache: the global assembly cache contains assemblies that are explicitly installed to be shared among many applications on the computer; the download cache stores code downloaded from Internet or intranet sites, isolated to the application that triggered the download so that code downloaded on behalf of one application/page does not impact other applications)
bytecode cachingtavukoodin tallentaminen välimuistiin (A technique for preprocessing JavaScript files so they can be loaded faster)
cache filevälimuistitiedosto (A file used by DNS servers and clients to store responses to DNS queries. For Windows DNS servers, the cache file is named Cache.dns by default)
cache intervalvälimuistin väli (The length of time that a stored copy of the views that are shown in a dashboard can exist on the server)
cache plug-invälimuistilaajennus (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to provide cache and proxy support for another Windows Media server)
cache/proxy servervälityspalvelin (A server running Windows Media Services for which a cache/proxy plug-in has been enabled, allowing the server to provide cache and proxy support to another Windows Media server)
download cachelatausvälimuisti (A cache that is part of the assembly cache and stores code downloaded from Internet or intranet sites, isolated to the application that caused the download so that code downloaded on behalf of one application or page does not impact other applications)
file cachetiedostovälimuisti (File-based storage that is created on the client computer when the client components are installed)
file system cachetiedostojärjestelmän välimuisti (An area of physical memory that holds frequently used pages. It allows applications and services to locate pages rapidly and reduces disk activity)
Font Cache ServiceFonttien välimuistipalvelu (A Win32 service process that optimizes performance of applications by caching commonly used font data. Applications will start this service if it is not already running. It can be disabled, though doing so will degrade application performance)
forms cachelomakevälimuisti (A location on a computer's hard drive to store a local copy of a form to improve performance when opening a form subsequent times)
global assembly cacheyleinen kokoonpanovälimuisti (A computer-wide code cache that stores assemblies specifically installed to be shared by many applications on the computer)
hosted cacheisännöity välimuisti (A server or WAN appliance in a branch office which aggregates all data cached by peers to ensure higher availability)
metadata cachemetatietovälimuisti (A file-based cache maintained on the client computer for the purpose of storing metadata for the end-user applications)
Metadata Cache ManagerMetatietovälimuistin hallinta (An administrative tool included in Duet Settings Manager. This tool can be used to manage the metadata cache maintained on the Duet client computer)
Microsoft Office Document CacheMicrosoft Officen tiedostovälimuisti (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
Office Document CacheOfficen tiedostovälimuisti (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
page output cachesivujen tulostusvälimuisti (A special storage location of templatized pages for performance enhancement)
reference data cacheviitetietovälimuisti (A Microsoft SQL Server database created on the client computer for maintaining SAP data required by end-user applications during offline and online use)
UID cacheUID-välimuisti (A file for storing Unique Identifier alphanumeric values for e-mail users)
Windows Font Cache ServiceWindowsin fonttien välimuistipalvelu (A Win32 service process that optimizes performance of applications by caching commonly used font data. Applications will start this service if it is not already running. It can be disabled, though doing so will degrade application performance)