
Terms for subject Microsoft containing whites | all forms
black and white effectчорно-білий ефект (One of a group of photo modifications someone can make to a color photo that mimic different effects that would be achieved by taking the same photo using black and white film stock. One effect uses strict conversion to monochrome by throwing away all of the color information. Others mimic the result when a black and white photo is taken through a colored filter-orange, red, or yellow-to enhance or suppress certain color information. Two effects perform strict conversions to monochrome and then apply a color tint-sepia or cyan-in one step)
Black and white effectsЧорно-білі ефекти (The panel item that opens the image editing tool that enables the user to apply a black and white effect)
white balanceбаланс білого (A setting that compensates for the color of light in which a picture was taken. A correct white balance setting makes colors look natural, while an incorrect white balance can result in pictures that have exaggerated colors)
white pointточка білого (The lightest color that can be reproduced by a display device. Black point and white point are set to achieve optimal highlights and shadows in an image)
white-space characterсимвол пробілу (" Any characters that can be found between words - this includes space (" "), newline (carriage return in combination with line feed), and the tab character.")