
Terms for subject Microsoft containing logging | all forms | exact matches only
basic loggingбазове журналювання (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about the search and who performed it)
Boot Loggingпротоколювання завантаження (A process in which a computer that is starting (booting) creates a log file that records the loading of each device and service. The log file is called Ntbtlog.txt, and it is saved in the systemroot directory)
event loggingреєстрація подій у журналі (The process of recording an audit entry in the audit trail whenever certain events occur, such as services starting and stopping or users logging on and off and accessing resources)
full loggingповне журналювання (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about all results that meet the search criteria)
logging databaseбаза даних журналювання (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or WMSDE database that stores health monitoring and usage data temporarily, and can be used for reporting and diagnostics)
logging tableтаблиця запису подій (A system table that captures failures and other events for Access Services)
Office telemetry loggingжурналювання телеметрії Office (The process that populates data to the Office Telemetry Log)
process loggingоблік процесів (A debugging technique that monitors the processes and threads on a target device)
user principal name (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: userім'я учасника-користувача