
Terms for subject General containing ad | all forms | exact matches only
ad hocпозаплановий (4uzhoj)
ad hoc committeeспеціальний комітет
ad hoc tribunalспеціальний суд (Brücke)
ad libспонтанний (текст, виступ bojana)
ad libекспромт (speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words: The actor ad-libbed the line "Ah... Houston, we have a problem" when he discovered that the gun was gone. bojana)
ad libбез підготовки (говорити bojana)
ad libімпровізація (speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words: The actor ad-libbed the line "Ah... Houston, we have a problem" when he discovered that the gun was gone. bojana)
ad libнепідготовлений (текст, виступ bojana)
ad libекспромтом (говорити bojana)
ad libімпровізувати (speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words: The actor ad-libbed the line "Ah... Houston, we have a problem" when he discovered that the gun was gone. bojana)
chargé d'affaires ad interimтимчасовий повірений у справах
terminus ad quernкінцева точка
terminus ad quernвисновок