
Terms for subject Proverb containing Secure | all forms | exact matches only
grasp a little and you may secure it, grasp too much and you will lose everythingза великим поженешся, та й мале втратиш
grasp a little and you may secure it, grasp too much and you will lose everythingне женись за великим, бо й мале згубиш
grasp a little and you may secure it, grasp too much and you will lose everythingне заздрись на велике, щоб і малого не загубив
grasp a little and you may secure it, grasp too much and you will lose everythingне женися за довгим рублем, бо й короткий загубиш
grasp a little and you may secure it, grasp too much and you will lose everythingвсього світу не забереш
the past at least is secureминуле, принаймні, не таїть небезпеки