
Terms for subject Microsoft containing All | all forms | exact matches only
All Activity Associated Viewпов'язане подання всіх справ (A view in CRM that displays all activities associated with an entity)
All Childrenдля дітей будь-якого віку (A TV ratings system used by TV networks in the United States to indicate to viewers that a particular show is suitable for all children)
All ContactsУсі контакти (The default contact group that Communicator displays when the user has not created any contact groups)
all-in-one card readerуніверсальний пристрій читання карток (A flash card reader with slots that support the majority of card formats without the need of either a camera adaptor or external power)
all rights reservedусі права захищені (A statement indicating that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law, such as distribution, performance, and creation of derivative works; that is, they have not waived any such right)
All servicesУсі служби (The link to the overview page of all Windows Live, MSN, and Microsoft products on offer)
Mute All Except MeВимкнути всі мікрофони, крім мого (A button on Conference Controls that mutes the microphones of all conference participants except the user's microphone)
Reply AllВідповісти всім (An option that initiates an e-mail response addressed to all of the recipients on the To or Cc lines of the original message)
Reply to AllВідповісти всім (An option that initiates an e-mail response addressed to all of the recipients on the To or Cc lines of the original message)
Select AllВиділити все (Selects all the content in the current file or page)
shuffle allу довільному порядку (A menu item that allows the play back all of the items in a playlist once, in random order. Playback ends when all of the items in the list have been played one time)
strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,надійний пароль
View allПереглянути все (" The link that appears above an incomplete content set and leads to the full list of items. For example, when a content module displays items 1–6, a "View all" link in line with the module label leads to a webpage that lists all items. The items that are available in preview are redundantly available in the list of all items, which may be paginated.")