
Terms containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
fin.authorized capitalkayıtlı sermaye (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital absorptionsermaye emilimi (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital accountsermaye hesabı (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital adequacy ratiosermaye yeterlilik oranı (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital expendituresermaye harcaması (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital gainsermaye kazancı (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital increasesermaye artırımı (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
comp., MScapital letterbüyük harf (In some languages, a distinct, and usually larger, form of a letter. May be used in word-initial position in certain cases, or for emphasis)
fin.capital maintenancesermayenin korunması (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital marketsermaye piyasası (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital market linesermaye piyasası doğrusu (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.capital reservessermaye yedekleri (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.core capitalana sermaye (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.cost of capitalsermaye maliyeti (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
environ.free movement of capital The unrestrained flow of cash, funds, and other means of wealth between countries with different currenciessermayenin serbest dolaşımı
manag.human capitalinsan sermayesi (Natalya Rovina)
fin.issued capitalçıkarılmış sermaye (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
fin.secondary capitalkatkı sermaye (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
environ.tax on capital A government imposed levy on the wealth or assets gained by an individual, firm, or corporation for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefitsermaye vergisi
fin.venture capitalrisk sermayesi (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
energ.syst.weighted average cost of capitalağırlıklı ortalama sermaye maliyeti (Natalya Rovina)
fin.working capitaldöner sermaye (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)