
Terms for subject Microsoft containing budget | all forms | exact matches only
Budget AllocatedAyrılan Bütçe (In the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user interface, a field in which users type the amount of money designated for a campaign activity)
budget allocatedayrılan bütçe (The amount of money designated for an activity or task)
budget at completiontamamlanma bütçesi (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
budget controlbütçe kontrolü (A practice of authorizing expenditure only when budget funds can be reserved to meet future payment commitments)
budget control dimensionbütçe kontrol boyutu (A combination of active financial dimensions values used to allocate budget funds to pay for planned activities)
budget control rulebütçe kontrol kuralı (The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations)
budget cycle time spanbütçe dönemi süresi (A time period specified as a number of fiscal calendar periods. The budget period can be different from the accounting period)
budget groupbütçe grubu (A set of financial dimension values in a budget dimension hierarchy that is used to calculate aggregate budget funds allocated to superordinate financial dimension values by summing budget funds allocated to subordinate financial dimension values)
budget modelbütçe modeli (A planning structure used to schedule budget fund allocations and expenditures)
project budget revisionproje bütçe revizyonu (A change to a project budget that affects the current and remaining available budget funds)