
Terms for subject Health care containing sheep | all forms | exact matches only
anthrax of sheepSchafmilzbrand
foot rot of sheepFußfäule (necrobacillosis, nosogenum:Fusiformis nodosis)
foot rot of sheepbösartige Klauenkrankheit (necrobacillosis, nosogenum:Fusiformis nodosis)
foot rot of sheepModerhinke (necrobacillosis, nosogenum:Fusiformis nodosis)
foul rot of sheepbösartige Klauenkrankheit (necrobacillosis, nosogenum:Fusiformis nodosis)
foul rot of sheepFußfäule (necrobacillosis, nosogenum:Fusiformis nodosis)
foul rot of sheepModerhinke (necrobacillosis, nosogenum:Fusiformis nodosis)
gid of sheepDrehkrankheit der Schafe
"hardy" breed of sheepLandschafrasse
"hardy" breed of sheep"robuste" Schafrasse
infectious encephalomyelitis of sheepSpringkrankheit der Schafe (encephalomyelitis enzootica ovium)
infectious encephalomyelitis of sheepschottische Schafenzephalitis (encephalomyelitis enzootica ovium)
infectious encephalomyelitis of sheepLouping-ill (encephalomyelitis enzootica ovium)
infectious encephalomyelitis of sheepSprigkrankheit der Schafe
infectious encephalomyelitis of sheep"Louping-ill"
male breeding sheepZuchtschafbock
sheep-goat hybridSchaf-Ziegen-Kreuzung
sheep pox virusSchafpocken-Virus
sheep scabSchafräude