
Terms for subject Law containing share in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
applicant's share in the costsvom Antragsteller aufzubringende Kostenanteil
payment in full of a shareVolleinzahlung einer Aktie
portion devolved in advance upon a heir over and above his equal share with the othersals Vorausempfang und im Anteil nicht inbegriffen
registered share not fully paid innicht voll einbezahlte Namenaktie
right to share in any liquidation surplusRecht auf Liquidationserlöse
security in sharesKaution durch Aktien
share holders in a family-owned business if KapitalgesellschaftFamiliengesellschafter (http://www.google.com/search?q="shareholders in a family-owned business"&hl=en&safe=off&as_qdr=all&filter=0 http://dict.leo.org/forum/viewUnsolvedquery.php?idThread=453223&idForum=1&lp=ende&lang=en SergeyL)
share in a co-operativeGeschäftsanteil
share in a co-operativeGeschaeftsanteil
share in a co-operativeAnteilschein
share in a legacyErbteil
share in a partnershipGesellschaftsanteil
share in an inheritanceErbteil
share in another undertakingAnteil an einem andern Unternehmen
share in co-ownershipMiteigentumsanteil
share in co-ownershipAnteil an einem Gemeinschaftsvermögen
share in limited partnershipKommanditeinlage
share in the capital of a companyGesellschaftsanteil
share in the estateErbanteil
share in the estateErbteil
share in the profits of the companyAnteil am Gewinn der Gesellschaft
share not fully paid innicht voll liberierte Aktie
share not fully paid innicht voll einbezahlte Aktie
succession distributed in equal sharesErbfolge zu gleichen Teilen