
Terms containing sales tax | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSconditional sales taxMehrwertsteuer nach vereinnahmten Geldern (A sales tax that is reported to the tax authority when the invoice is paid, in contrast to normal sales tax, which is reported when the invoice is created)
comp., MSdestination-based sales taxAdressbezogene Mehrwertsteuer (A sales tax levied in some states in the United States on a product based on the destination in which the buyer takes ownership or receives the product)
tax.five-yearly tax to be paid by certain operators of establishments for the sale of fermented beveragesvon bestimmten Schankwirten auf den Ausschank gegorener Getränke im Abstand von 5 Jahren zu zahlende Steuer
tax., food.ind.five-yearly tax to be paid by certain operators of establishments for the sale of fermented beveragesvon bestimmten Schankwirten auf den Ausschank gegorener Getränke im Abstand von fünf jahren zu zahlende Steuer
IMF.general sales taxallgemeine Umsatzsteuer
account.general sales taxesAllgemeine Umsatzsteuern
gen.import sales taxEinfuhrumsatzsteuer
comp., MSitem sales tax groupArtikel-Mehrwertsteuergruppe (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for an item. A sales tax group and an item sales tax group must be connected to each transaction that is subject to sales tax. Sales tax is calculated only for the sales tax codes that are included in both the sales tax group and the item sales tax group)
tax., food.ind.licensing tax on establishments for the sale of spirituous beveragesGewerbesteuer auf den Ausschank von Spirituosen
fin.manufacturers'sales taxEinphasen-Umsatzsteuer für Herstellerbetriebe
comp., MSnon-recoverable sales taxnicht erstattungsfähige Mehrwertsteuer (A sales tax levied on purchased products that is not deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party)
comp., MSrecoverable sales taxerstattungsfähige Mehrwertsteuer (A sales tax levied on purchased products that is deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party)
econ., amer.retail sales taxeinzelstaatliche Einzelhandelsumsatzsteuer
econ.sales and turnover taxUmsatzsteuer
comp., MSsales taxMehrwertsteuer (A tax levied on the sale of products)
comp., MSsales taxMehrwertsteuer (A tax levied on the sale of products)
tech.sales taxVerkaufssteuer
comp., MSsales taxMehrwertsteuer/Umsatzsteuer (A tax levied on the sale of products)
IMF.sales taxallgemeine Umsatzsteuer
econ., amer.sales taxWarenumsatzsteuer
gen.sales taxUmsatzsteuer
tax.sales taxVerbrauchssteuer
comp., MSsales tax bookMehrwertsteuerbuch (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
comp., MSsales tax codeMehrwertsteuercode (A user-defined code that uniquely identifies a specific sales tax and defines its characteristics, such as the percentage or amount, tax authority, terms of payment, and ledger accounts used for posting)
comp., MSsales tax exemptmehrwertsteuerbefreit (Pertaining to a sale or purchase transaction for which no sales tax is calculated)
comp., MSsales tax groupMehrwertsteuergruppe (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for customers, vendors, projects, and ledger accounts)
gen.sales tax identification numberUmsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
gen.sales tax identification numberUmsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer
tax.sales tax identification numberUmsatzsteuer-ID-Nr.
amer.sales tax increaseMehrwertsteuererhöhung
gen.sales tax increaseUmsatzsteuererhöhung
comp., MSsales tax jurisdictionUmsatzsteuerzuständigkeit (A government unit or subdivision that imposes taxes within a state. A geographical area within a state can be taxed by several jurisdictions: town, county, and state)
tax.sales tax regulationsUmsatzsteuerregelungen
comp., MSsales tax settlement periodMehrwertsteuer-Abrechnungszeitraum (A division of the year when the business reports and pays collected sales tax to the tax authorities)
gen.sales taxesVerkaufsteuern
gen.sales taxesVerkaufsabgaben
fin.sales transaction taxAbgabe auf Transaktionen
fin.single-stage sales taxEinphasenumsatzsteuer
tax.special tax on establishments for the sale of beveragesSonderabgabe auf den Getränkeausschank
tax.tax on the opening of establishments for the sale of fermented beveragesSteuer auf die Schankerlaubnis für gegorene Getränke
tax., food.ind.tax on the sale of spiritsSchankerlaubnissteuer
gen.tax on the sale of spiritsSchankerlaubnissteuer für starke alkoholische Getränke
law, ADR, amer.tax saleZwangsversteigerung von Grundbesitz zur Eintreibung der Steuerschuld
econ., amer.tax saleZwangsverkauf von Grundbesitz zum Zweck der Steuereintreibung
gen.tax saleZwangsversteigerung zur Deckung von Steuerschulden
account.taxes on salesUmsatzsteuern
tax.tax-free sales to travellerssteuerbefreite Verkäufe an Reisende
fin.wholesale sales taxEinphasen-Umsatzsteuer für den Großhandel